Not Part of the Story

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A. N. : This is not part of the fanfic :----)
I'll be kinda inactive because of school.

My Heart (One shot)

"Yah! OH SEHUN!"

"Yes noona?"

"Where are you going huh?" You said taking your eyes off your laptop screen, and you also took off your glasses as you decided to continue what you're doing later.

Sehun went to the living room, even if you saw him being a grown up a thousand times you can't still get used to it, it's like yesterday he was just a small kid and you were carrying him, and teasing him because of his missing front teeth, but now he's now a teenager, a teenager who does nothing but go outside and hangout with his band mates. Even if sometimes you want to give up, you can't because your parents trusted you with your siblings, they still need to work because Seolhyun is still in college while Sehun is now in high school, even if you offered your parents your money, they won't accept it because they knew that you and Vernon are saving money for your future. Seohyun, the one who was born 4 years after you is now working as the head of housekeeping department in a cruise ship, while Seolhyun is now on her fourth year in college, and there's Sehun your stubborn brother who is not running out of gigs.

"Noona I will just hangout with my friends" He said right after he entered the living room and he kissed you quickly in the cheeks, but before he can get away you pulled the hem of his shirt and then twist his ear.

"And where do you think you're going my sweet little angelic brother? Hangout? Tss I can smell that cologne you're using right now and for all I know, you're just using that whenever you're going on a date with a girl." You said while smacking his head, after tons of complaints because of your hard hits on his head, you finally let him go.

"Yah! Noona! Fine I'm going on a date, why does it even matter to you?"

"Because I'm your noona I have the rights to know everything that you are up to," You said raising an eyebrow, "And who's the lucky girl? Huh Sehun?" You said while putting your hands on your hips

He scratches the back of his head and told you who is the girl he's dating and that's when you realized that he's hitting on a new girl again. What happened to the previous girl that he was dating last week?

"What!? You're dating a new girl again? What happened to the previous huh!? I already told you not to follow the steps of Chwe Hansol-"

"Me? Why am I hearing my name?" Hansol shouted from the kitchen and he went to the living room and sits beside you.

"Yah? Who do you think I'm referring to? You're the only good example for this." You said rolling your eyes at him. Hansol was speechless and he just scratched the back of his head.

"Sehun, you can go now, just go home early, okay?" Hansol said to your brother while waving a goodbye.

"Yes! Thanks brother!" Sehun shouted and he was quick to get out of the house.

"SEHUN!" You said running after him but he is now out of your sight, "That brat" You said under your breath. You went back to face Hansol.

"Yah Choi Hansol! Why did you do that?"

Hansol was about to respond but you cut him off immediately and started talking again, "Stop spoiling him Vernon, it'll lead him nowhere, in the end he will just suffer facing the consequences of the mistakes he had done and you know that so why do you keep supporting him? "

Vernon started to back hug and kiss you on the cheeks, "Y/n let him be"

You open your mouth but he was quick to cut you off, "Wait wait wait let me finish okay?"

You became silent and he started speaking again, "He'll become serious someday, believe me. Like-"

"You. Fine, Playboys like you. Tss It's not the right thing to do, playing someone's feelings, breaking someone's heart, and you know that. He should stop, if he continues what he's doing right now, it feels like he'll never be serious with someone." You sighed in vexation.

"Y/n..." He held you captive in his embrace and put his chin on your shoulder, "I swear to God, someday he'll stop being a player, believe me"

"Tss how can you say that?" You said trying to escape from his embrace but it made him hold you tighter.

"Because I know someday he will find someone like you."

You stopped shrugging his hands off you and you became frozen in your place, the next words became a whisper but it was loud enough for you to hear it, "Because someday he will find a girl like you that will show and teach him what is the real meaning of love. A girl who will love him the way you're loving me, a girl who will never get tired of understanding him, a girl who'll accept him for who he was and who he is in the present, like the way you accepted me even if I've been so terrible back then, as if I've never done such a cruel thing in the past and you never used that against me, you never doubted a single thing about our relationship, I'm really grateful to find someone like you, you deserve the best but you chose me." He takes a deep breath and exhales against your neck, "Someday he will find someone like you."

You didn't notice that you've been crying, you just can't help yourself but to cry, not because you're angry or upset, but because you're happy that he said those words to you.

"Oh my gawd Y/n, why are you crying?" Vernon said trying to to make you laugh.

"You're not supposed to say that, Hansol" You said turning your back on him while wiping your tears away.

"No I'm not, why would I?"

He made him face you and wipe the remaining tears by his thumb.

"What are you doing? I said I'm not crying."

Hansol hits you softly in the head and said the sweetest thing you guys had ever said to each other, "Fuck you"

You laugh hard and it made him laugh too, "Back then you were hitting on my dog, what's her name again?"

"The past is in the past let it go let it go" You smacked hansol hard, "Tss back then you were flirting with my friend, Isa-"

He cuts you off with a kiss and smirks, "Jealous much?"

"I'm not" you said smacking him hard again.

"Let's not talk about that" Hansol said hugging you tight by the waist. You enjoyed the comfortable silence but several minutes later he began speaking again.

"And I never thought that I would end up with you. We wasted our time looking for someone else when we were just right in front of each other."

You suddenly became silent so he started speaking again.

"Let's talk about you being so in love with me back then, the way you look at me like I was the most handsome guy in the world, wait I am the most handsome guy in the world." He said while there is a smirk playing on his goddamn beautiful lips. You hit him hard and tried to push him away but you failed, "Back then you were so in love with me and I didn't give a damn about it." He held you captive in his loving arms, "But look at me now, it's like tables have turned, I'm now your fool."

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