Chapter 17 : The Ending Is Just The Beginning || pt. 2

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We are surrounded by all of these lies and people that talk too much
You got the kind of look in your eyes as if no one knows anything but us.

"Jisoo, is there something wrong?" Junghan asked curious and anxious about the way Jisoo has been acting these past few days.

"Nothing, I'll be going now."

"H-huh? Where to? Yah! Is there something you've been hiding from me? Don't you want me anymore?" Junghan asked trembling but Jisoo just looked at him, trying to find the right words to explain himself but he can't.

"Let's just talk later, meet me at the rooftop of our building, promise me you'll be there." He said and walked out of their dorm.

Junghan just nodded to the door, his heart is banging hard against his chest, and his fingers are trembling.

It can't be, right? It's not that he's going to break up with me again, not on our 3rd year anniversary-

His thoughts were interrupted when Chan came in, "Hyung are you alright?"

Junghan gave him a reassuring smile, "Yes, why are you here, do you need something from me?"

Chan scratches the back of his head, "Eh Junghan hyung, can you accompany me to the mall?"

"Sure when?"

"Right now? If ever you're available-"

Junghan raffles Chan's hair, "You pabo, of course, let's go?"

Chan took his time shopping for the things he needed for his project, as expected as a hyung Junghan helped him, they ate and when Junghan realized that it's almost past 6.

"Let's get you home"

"Why hyung?"

"Jisoo told to meet him at the rooftop? Hurry."

Junghan wants to send Chan to their dorm but Dino insists that he wants to come and besides he needs to talk to their manager about something. They went to the Pledis Entertainment Building, panting Junghan reached the rooftop, he was about to open the door but someone prevents him and covered his eyes with a handkerchief. Junghan punched the guy who has a firm grip on his shoulders, and he yelped and that's when he realized that someone is Seungcheol.


"Huh? I'm not Seungcheol" He said trying to make his voice unrecognizable.

Junghn shakes his head and tries to hit Seungcheol even if he can't see anything, "You pabo I can recognize your voice."

"Uhm well act like you didn't."

"Wait-" but before he could protest Seungcheol pushed him inside and heard the door shut closed behind him.

"What's happening, anyone?" He just stayed still to where he was standing, he is a bit annoyed, curiosity is eating alive, he was about to remove the blindfold but as if Seungcheol knows what he was about to do, Seungcheol shouted from the other side of the door.

"Yah! If you ever think of removing that blindfold, don't or you'll regret it forever."


Junghan was pushed forward because someone was opening the door, he thought it was Seungcheol but it was Jun, he recognized his voice when he muttered a sorry.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were standing right in front of the door."

"It's fine."

"Hi Junghan hyung." Jun said trying to strike a conversation.

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