Chapter 5 : Junghan

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"If I were to live a thousand years, I would belong to you for all of them. If I were to live a thousand lives, I would want to make you mine in each one."

-Noah Shaw


I opened my first letter to Jisoo.

Dear Hong Jisoo,

Thank you for giving me a chance to be happy. I despise my life and then you came along, you made me like everything about myself p, you even made me love my own flaws. You accepted me even if I'm not perfect. I remembered the day you confessed your feelings to me, I remember your words all too well, and I am really grateful for you genuine words. even though at first I did not understand it, and you saw it on my face, you laugh and raffled my hair, and then you explained, you said that in other words, Yoon Junghan, my one and only angel, you're special to me. I won't trade you for anything else, I love you. And that moment I can't help myself but cry because of joy, no one has ever told me beautiful things like that, no one has ever appreciated me for who I am, I always need to impress them, to please them. I know they were just words but believe you don't know how grateful I am, Hong Jisoo, for having you in my life, for hearing those words come out from your beautiful mouth, you don't know what you do to me. I don't know how to put all the things I want to say, into words but I just wanted to tell you that I love you, no matter what. Even if you break my heart a million times, I will still find a reason to love you, a way to like you, because you've changed me, you've changed my life that was once a hell but now I can call it heaven. I love you Hong Jisoo. I love you Joshua Hong.

Love your angel,

Not to be bitter but did I really write this bullshit? I drank my latte and opened my laptop.

I started typing,

once upon a time, a bullshit beginning
I met a guy named Hong Jisoo
He told me beautiful things
And made me believe in his words
The magic between us is gone
I thought it will last forever
He left me
And fuck you for leaving me
I hate you don't deserve to be happy
You of all people
I trusted you
Fuck you fuck you fuck you

I raffled my hair in vexation, I need to focus.

Delete delete delete

Focus Yoon Junghan do it for good grades, you can do it! Fighting!

Compilation of a Hundred Poems

Submitted to: Professor Kim

Submitted by: Yoon Junghan

Poem 1: Bliss

Happiness that you bring
I can't compare to anything
You made me love my flaws
It's you that I don't want to lose

You lift me high up in the sky
I can't help myself but cry
All I want is to see you everyday
I will do anything and find a way


Poem 2: Lucky

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