Chapter 10 : Junghan

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"I can't back out now, can I?"

"You've already signed a contract Jeonghan."

"I just don't think I can Seungcheol..."

"He doesn't even recognize you, just play along okay?"

I can't forget the look on his face, there's no recognition in it, did Jisoo really forget me? About us? About everything we've been through?

"Joshua this is Jeonghan, Jeonghan this is Jisoo."

"Hi Jeonghan" He said in a monotone voice, and there's something in the way he said it that makes me feel unwelcome or am I just imagining things again?

"Hi" I retort, finally I look at him and I abruptly looked at his eyes to find something but failed, I can't see recognition in his eyes, he really doesn't remember me.

"Nice meeting you" His voice is still icy.

"You too"

After that S.coups pulls me to the side to look back at the stars.

"We should probably sleep." Seungcheol said putting his arm around me, "Will you sleep here?"

"Of course you pabo, who is my roommate by the way?"

"The lucky guy is ... Seungkwan"



"Tss why would I be?"

"Because I'm not your roommate."

"In your dreams, are you really the leader, Seungcheol hyung?"

"Watch your mouth Angel and don't call me that I'm not fine with that"

I froze. Angel. The same bame Jisoo used to call me, I stole a glance at him to see if he had heard it and what's his reaction but he's just chattering with Hansol. I sigh I don't know if his memory loss is for the best. I just don't know.

"Junghan! Junghan hyung!"

"Uhm yeah?"

"I've been talking the whole time, are you even listening?"


"Are you lost in your own thoughts again?

"Sort of?"

Mingyu sighed, "That's not healthy you know?"

"I know what where you talking about again?"

"I was talking about Wonwoo, he is dating this girl and I really think the girl don't deserve him because Wonwoo is beyond perfect, it's not that I'm judging the girl but I checked her background" Wonwoo suddenly appears by the door so Mingyu stopped talking and said, "oops he's coming this way, talk to you later Junghan hyung."

I shake my head, he is just obviously jealous because Wonwoo is dating that girl, not him.

"Morning" Soonyoung said and then we gathered in the living room waiting for our leader to wake up and finally he did.

"Sorry guys, what do you want for breakfast? And where do you want to order? And am I the one that will pay for you all again or you'll pay for your own?"

The boys began to speak all at once and then I iust stared at them waiting for them to finish.

"Junghan, are you alright?" Seungcheol asked and they stopped talking and the attention is now all on me.

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