Chapter 7 : Seungcheol

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You're a one of a one
A one of a kind
That you only find once in a lifetime


I was on my way home from Doyoon's house when I saw a familiar face waiting at the bus stop, eyes raw like he's been crying, shivering and only a thin shirt is protecting him against the cold. Before I can stop myself from what I'm about to do, I went straight to him, and took off my sweater and made him wear it.

"Y-you're here" I can see it in his face that he's surprised, his eyes look tired.

He still hasn't stop shaking.

"Yeah what a coincidence, or is it destiny?" I tried to joke but he didn't retort anything, I think he is not in the mood.

"What are you doing here? All by yourself?" I added

He started to bite his lips hard I think he might tear it apart, "I dont know I don't know."

He said shaking his head and that's when I realize that he is crying.

"Let it go" I said hugging him tight, and kissing the top of his crown, and times like this I wish I was taller, taller than him so he can bury his face in my chest so he could feel better.

We stayed like that until he calms down.

I lean in and wipe his tears away with my thumb.

"Whatever it is, it doesn't matter, okay? For now." I said then gave him a reassuring smile.

He just nods and gave me a sad smile, I tug his hair behind his ears.

"Let's go get you home, you've been shivering so bad."


On the way to his house, we walk in silence but I keep my arm around his shoulders to support him and keep him warm. Whatever it is that he's going through, I want to help him overcome it, if he doesn't want to open up about it, I won't pry. We reached his house and he left the door open and I just stared at it for several minutes, not knowing what am I supposed to do next.

"Wouldn't you want to come in?"

"Oh, right, sorry"

A moment of silence and then he broke it.

"Thank you for everything you've done to me this."

"No problem, if you need me just call me and I'll be right there."

He lets out a grin, "Really? Thank you. I don't know how to put them into words but I'm really grateful."

I gave him a reassuring smile, "It's fine don't worry."

"It's already late outside and... dangerous. You can stay here if you want."

"Really?" I want to so I can take care of you, is what I wanted to say but he might think I'm taking an advantage on his state. "I'd love to, can I use the kitchen?"

"Sure, I'll just fix the room you'll stay in."


I went to the kitchen and boil the water, fortunately there's a swiss miss. I pour the water and the milk powder in the mugs.

I walked out of the kitchen and began to search for him.


"Right here" he said walking out of a room, "What is it?"

"I prepared something for you in the kitchen"

He raises an eyebrow, "Oh really?"

I took him to the kitchen and hand him his mug, "I think you need this"

"Thank you, Seungcheol and I really mean it."

"Yo, like what I've said it's fine, you can count on me, I got your back."

"Yeah, I'm sorry if I can't open it up to you, I'm just not in the mood to talk about it. Maybe next time?"

"Don't worry if you don't want to, I won't pry."

He finished his drink and waited for me to finish mine.

"I have an extra toothbrush you can use it."


We brushed our teeth and I started dancing so he danced along and we're both laughing in the end.

"It's been a long day"

He nods, "Everything will be alright" I said and I hug him one last time before going to bed.

I just hope someday he would open up his heart to me.

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