chapter 7

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I went back inside to the kitchen.

“How’d it go?” Rose asked, she was doing the dishes.

“You don’t have to do that you know. And I kind of lied to her.”

“Cristiano, theres like two plates, it’s no problem. What did you tell Irina?”

“I told her you were a friend of Mesut’s who had just broken up with her boyfriend and needed somewhere to stay.”

“A friend of Mesut’s? I’ve never met him.”

“Yeah, I know. I need to introduce you to him before she comes home.”

“Cris, I found an apartment. One of my co-workers needs a roommate, I gave her a call when you were talking to Irina. I can move in tomorrow. I’ll be out of your hair.”

“Oh.” I don’t know why, but I felt sad she was going to leave. I didn’t even know her that well, it was ridiculous that I would feel sad. “Well I’ll help you move in tomorrow then.”

“Cristiano, really, I’ll be fine. I’m a big girl.” She smiled.

She had such a pretty smile. “You should smile more, it’s beautiful.”

Rose’s POV

“You should smile more, it’s beautiful.”

I could feel my cheeks get hotter as I blushed at his compliment. We had become friends over the past few days, it kind of sucks that I might never see him again if I left.

“I know I’ve only known you a few days, but I’ll miss you.” I told him.

Cristiano smiled. “You say that like we’re not going to be friends anymore.”

“Oh… I just thought that you know, when I left you would want to be done with me.”

“Why would I want to be done with you?” He moved closer to me, laying his hand on mine on the kitchen counter. “We’re friends.”

“Cristiano, you’ve known me for like, three days.”

“So? I can tell you’re a good person who’s been through a lot. Is it so wrong that I want to help you?”

“I don’t want to sound ungrateful,” I sighed. “But I’m not a charity case, Cris. I can take care of myself.”

“Right.” He fidgeted, I could tell he was feeling awkward. “Are you any good at football?”

I grinned. “I’m actually alright. Do you want to see?”

We stepped into his backyard, which was littered with footballs. I picked up one and began to juggle it. I was pretty proud at how long I could keep up the ball, until Cristiano picked up one and began to do his fancy tricks.

“Show off,” I said.

He laughed, handing me a ball. “Show me your free kick.”

I nodded and put the ball down. He even had goal posts in his backyard, you would think he would get enough football in his training and games. Guess not. I took a few steps back, and struck the ball as best as I could. To my surprise, it actually went into the goal. I let out a little scream and did a little jump for joy.

“Nice. Where’d you learn to do that?” Cristiano asked.

“Believe it or not, I actually just copied what you did in games.”

“Really? That’s really good for someone who just copied.”

“I guess I just saw what you did and tried to replicate it. It hardly ever works though. I guess today’s my lucky day.”

When we eventually went back inside, Cristiano called Mesut to make dinner plans. He was going to bring his family, and Cristiano would bring me. I could already tell it would be so awkward.

“What are you going to tell Mesut about who I am?” I asked Cristiano when he got off the phone.

“That you’re an old friend, and that Irina thinks you’re his friend because I didn’t want to freak her out.”

“An old friend?”

“Yeah. I figured you wouldn’t want me telling Mesut about how I found you.”

“Thanks. What time are we going? And where? Do I need to dress up?” I asked, really nervous. I wasn’t the best at making new friends.

“We’ll leave around seven, and we’re just going to Mesut’s house, so wear whatever you want.”

It was six o’clock right now. “I’m going to go shower then.” I told him, heading up the stairs.


I walked into the guest bedroom, trying to find something casual but elegant to wear in my bag. I eventually settled on some ripped jeans and a black shirt with a bedazzled collar. I laid out my outfit on the bed, and then went into the bathroom to take a shower since I was all sweaty from playing football with Cristiano. Tonight was going to be interesting.

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