chapter 9

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I felt so awkward hanging around with Mesut, I mean what do you talk about with a professional footballer? It’s not that I didn’t like him, I think he’s a nice guy, but he’s shy and I’m shy. One of us was going to have to eventually come out of our comfort zone, or we’d never end up talking.

He showed me around his house until we ended up in his room. It was about three times the size of my room back in my old apartment. He had a giant television and stereo system setup.

“Wow.” I said, in awe. To say I was jealous was an understatement.

“I like my music,” he grinned, sitting on his bed.

“Really? Who’s your favourite artist?” Finally, something to talk about.

He motioned for me to sit down next to him, which I did. “Um, you know. Really masculine stuff. Like Beyonce.”

I burst out laughing. “Mesut Ozil listens to Beyonce?”

“Hey, don’t diss her.”

“Oh I’m sorry, did I insult your lady crush?” I asked, still giggling.

“Yes!” He attacked me with a pillow.

“Oh no. You do not want to get into a pillow fight with me.” I grabbed one and swung back, aiming for his stomach but he ducked and I ended up hitting his head. “Oh my god, Mesut, I’m so sorry!” I said as he fell back onto the bed, clutching his head. I leant over him, asking him if he was okay.

Suddenly, he grabbed a pillow and just about beat me to death. Now I was the one lying on the bed, covering my face as he swung the pillow at me.

“You monster,” I managed to gasp between laughing.

“No mercy!” He grinned, putting the pillow down.


Mesut’s mother sent me upstairs to find Mesut and Rose for dessert, they were probably in his room. Mesut liked to show everyone his massive speakers.

“Hey, Mesut, your mom said its dessert –“ I began to say, but stopped when I realized I had interrupted a very intense pillow fight. “Well, I guess I don’t have to worry about you two pretending to be friends.”

Rose blushed and got up from Mesut’s bed, where he was still laughing. “He is merciless, Cris.” Rose told me as she pulled Mesut up.

“Yeah, I saw.” I said.

“I won.” Mesut grinned.

“I let him.” Rose told me.

I led them back down to the living room, where Mesut’s mom had laid out dessert in front of the television. Rose and I sat on either side of Mesut, creating a very awkward Mesut sandwich. We were making small talk when the doorbell rang.

“That must be my boyfriend, I’ll go get it.” Mesut’s sister said, hopping up to go open the door.

“Hey everyone,” I looked up as I heard a familiar voice.


Well, shit.

Mesut’s sister was dating Mark. My Mark. Or, actually my ex-Mark. What the hell? We broke up a week ago!

“Hey Mark, why don’t you sit down?” Mesut’s mother offered him her seat. “I’ll go get you some dessert.”

Mark was frozen, staring at me and Cristiano with wide, panic eyes.

“Mark?” Mesut’s sister pulled on his arm. He seemed to thaw out, and smiled at her.

“Yeah,” he took a seat, not taking his eyes off of me.

“So…. How long have you two been seeing each other?” I asked Mesut’s sister.

“Around three months, right Mark?”

What the actual fuck. Cristiano was looking at me like he was worried I would go all out crazy right now. I didn’t feel the crazy, all I felt was anger boiling up inside me, I wanted to rip his face off. How dare he? He was dating someone else while were still, well, us! We were living together and he was seeing someone else!

Mesut’s mother was back, talking to Mark as if she knew who he really was. If only they knew! He was all cleaned up and in nice clothes and had done his hair for them. He would clean up for them, for people who he had known for three months, but not for me. The girl who had loved him for years. He was talking to Mesut like they were best friends.

I had to get out of here.

“Thanks for the food Mrs. Ozil, but we Rose and I have to go now. I have to be up early tomorrow morning and well, she has work.” Of course, Cristiano knew exactly what to do. He got up and hugged Mesut’s mother, and I thanked her for the meal.

Mesut showed us to the door, giving Cris a giant handshake bro-hug thing and giving me an awkward, shy-Mesut hug. When he closed the door I breathed a sigh of relief. I didn’t have to pretend to be calm anymore.

Cristiano opened his car door for me, but before I got in he grabbed my shoulders and made me look at him.

“Are you okay?”

I sniffled. I was crying again, and I couldn’t stop. I shook my head, and Cristiano pulled me into a hug. I buried my face in his chest, his giant arms wrapping around me, pulling me close to him.

“It’s going to be okay. I won’t let him hurt you.”

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