chapter 28

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This may be over in a few chapters :( Never fear though, I have an idea for my next fic all thought out! -Gaby!xx



“Hey, Val. It’s Cris again. Rose still isn’t answering her phone. Is she still not home?”

“Sorry, Cris. She’s not here.”

I sighed, hanging up the phone for the tenth time this day.


“Valerie? Hey, is Rose around? She’s not answering my calls.”

“She’s not home. Sorry, Mesut.”

I threw my phone on bed, and my body quickly followed. I buried my head in a pillow and screamed, for what seemed like the millionth time that day.


“Rose? Where are you? Please call me. I’m worried about you, you should’ve been home from work three hours ago.”

I hung up on Rose’s voicemail for the fifth time, my heart twisted with worry.


“Mark!” I giggled as he came up behind me, handing me a drink and grabbing my waist. I was at some party with our old friends, and drunk. Very drunk. I shimmied my way out of Mark’s grasp and went outside to the balcony. We were at some city apartment, and I felt like I could see the whole of Madrid from out here. There were some footballers here apparently, but none that I recognised.

Thank god. I’d had enough of footballers for the rest of my life, thank you very much.

“How did you get us in to such a good party?” I had to yell over the music to get Mark to hear me.

He didn’t answer, just winked at me and grabbed my hand to lead me to the dance floor. We danced for what seemed like ages. He kept trying to grab every inch of my body, but I wouldn’t let him. I was drunk, but not that drunk.

“Come with me.” He whispered into my ear, leading me outside to the balcony.

There were a few people out here smoking, but not many. Mark pulled a joint out of his jacket and stuck it in his mouth, lighting up.

“Here.” He said, handing the joint to me.

I shook my head, and went to sit on the edge of the balcony, wrapping my arms around myself in an attempt to keep warm.

“I hate when you do that. You and I both know you have terrible balance.” Mark came over to me and stood in between my legs, putting one hand on my waist to steady me.

“You and I are very different…you’re a drug junkie. I’m an adrenaline junkie.”

His face closed up, and I could see he was shutting down on me. I shouldn’t have made that comment about drugs. I was stupid, as always.

“Mark…I’m sorry.”

He just shook his head, and moved over to my side, his hand leaving my waist. “If you fell right now-” he paused to exhale smoke “-I’m the only person that would care. Do you realise that? Do you even care that if you push me away too, you’ll have nobody? You’ll be all alone, Rose.” He threw his joint off the roof and walked away.

I swung my legs over to the other side of the edge, so that I was facing away from the building. He was right. I had pushed everybody that had the capacity to love me in Madrid away. I kept doing it over and over, never learning my lesson, repeating the same atrocities with people that loved me. I had become that girl, that was always moaning and bitching about boys and how hard is my life. I had never wanted to be this person.


“Cristiano.” I recognised his voice immediately.

I felt his hands on my waist, and his head came to rest on the nook where my shoulder met my neck.

“And of course you’re here to save me. You always are. Just let me wallow this time, Ronaldo.”

 “Why are you here?” he whispered into my ear.

“Why are you here? How did you find me?” I said, my voice icey cold.

“A friend told me they spotted you here. You do realise there are other footballers inside, right?”

“I was trying to get away. From you, from Mesut, from everyone.”

“So you ran back to Mark? That’s not getting away, Rose.”

“Did you find me to bitch me out?”

“Why are you here?” He said again, this time stronger.

“Because…I’ve pushed everybody away.”

“I love you.”

“I know,” I sniffled, my chest heavy. I was about to start crying yet again. “That’s the problem, Cris. You can’t be in love with me. I always mess it up, Cris, always.”

“Can you get off the edge please? You’re scaring me.”

I nodded, swinging my legs back around and hopping down. I looked up at him, throwing my hands around his neck and kissing him long and hard. I could taste the salt from my own tears, and I could feel his hand clutching my waist. I never wanted him to let go.

He eventually did though. He broke the kiss and pulled away, pushing me away to arm’s length.

“Sami told me he called you.”

I nodded.

“Did you do what he said? I mean…did you decide? Do you know?”

I nodded again, my face stained with tear tracks.

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