chapter 27

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I didn’t know how I had gotten here. I was in my old apartment, on my old bed, curled up in fetal position and sobbing uncontrollably. Cristiano didn’t want me, Mesut never wanted to see me again. Somehow I had ended up back in the house of the man I knew would always love me no matter what.

“Rose?” Mark opened the door, and came over to lie next to me on the bed. “What are you doing here? How did you even get in?”

“I fucked up.” I choked out, trembling on the bed. “I fucked up so bad, Mark.”

He opened his arms and I crawled into them. He held me tightly, and he felt like home. He felt like comfort, security and that was exactly what I needed right now. “My poor baby,” he whispered as he stroked my hair.

“Why do I ruin everything I touch?” I sobbed into his chest, grabbing handfuls of his shirt.

“You don’t,” he whispered. “You dont, Rose.”

“Yes I do. I ruined us, I ruined things with Cristiano, and Mesut never ever wants to see me again.”

“Rose…you didn’t ruin us, I did. And as for Cristiano and Mesut, I’m sure they’ll forgive you. Just give them time. Trust me, no one can stay mad at you for long. It’s impossible, I’ve tried.”

“I’m a fuck up.”

“You are not. Stop, Rose. You are incredible.”

I tried to speak but all that came out was a gibberish and Mark laughed softly. “Go to sleep, I’ll take care of you.”

I dozed off into oblivion.

I woke up a few hours later. Mark was snoring and I gave him a poke to wake up. How had I ended up in the same position with two different men in less than forty-eight hours?

“Hugh,” he garbled as he woke up. “What? Whats wrong? You okay?” His arms tightened around me.

I nodded. “It’s morning. I should probably get going.”

He sighed, then let go of me. “Okay, I can drive you home if you want.”

I shook my head. “My cars parked downstairs. Mark…how have you been?”

He knew what I was asking. He gave me a little smile, then pecked me on my forehead. “Much, much better. I’ve been sober since…well, since you started dating Mesut I guess.”

“I’m glad.” I said, running my hand across the side of his face. We got up and he walked me to the door, holding my hand on the way there.

“Goodbye kiss?” He said hopefully, with a cheeky little smile.

I laughed, shaking my head.

“Where the hell have you been?” Valerie asked as I walked through the door. “I’ve been calling you for two days!”

“Oh…sorry. My phone died.” I walked straight to my bed, and she followed me there.

“Did you die too? You look awful.”

I sighed, climbing under my blankets and gesturing for her to come and sit next to me.

“Tell me.”

I finally told her everything that had happened over the past two weeks, breaking down completely.

I woke up next to a snoring Valerie. Pushing her off me I walked softly to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I checked my phone while I was at the sink, and saw that I had gotten a text from Sami while I was asleep. Call me. Now. was all it said.

I glanced at the time and saw it was almost two in the morning. I had work tomorrow, and Sami was probably asleep by now, but he wouldn’t text me if it wasn’t important. I tapped the call button on my phone and brought it up to my ear.

“Hugh.” Was all I heard as he answered, sounding very much asleep.

“Sami. It’s Rose.”

“Oh. You.”

“Yeah…me. What’s wrong? Why did you need me to call you?”

“Rose, it’s like, two.”

“I know. I just saw your text now. What did you need?”

“I need you to stop messing with Mesut.”


“Stop, Rose. If you don’t want him, stop toying with him. Stop leading him on, stop making him fall for you over and over, stop giving him hope and wrenching it away again. He doesn’t deserve this.”

“Sami…I never wanted to hurt him.”

“I know you didn’t. But you are. You need to stop. Make a decision, Rose. And stick with it this time.” He hung up.

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