chapter 16

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I was lying in bed with Mesut beside me, staring up at the ceiling. We had spent the entire day together, he had taken me to a theme park and then to dinner and a late night movie. It was almost midnight.

“Mes?” I turned on my side to look at him.

“Yes beautiful?”

I smiled. He was the sweetest man I had ever been with. “I have work tomorrow,” I pouted. “I need to sleep.”

He nodded, getting up. I took him to the door, kissing him long and hard in the doorway. I had to force myself to let him leave and go back to bed, I knew I would never be able to be up in time for work if I didn’t get to sleep soon.


My day at work was fairly uneventful. Valerie had called in sick, claiming the flu. I knew better though, her and Sergio had had a crazy night. I suspected she was still in his bed hung over. I was about to go to my lunch break when Cris showed up.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, surprised. We didn’t have any plans today as far as I knew.

“I’m here to buy makeup, duh.” He said in a high-pitched voice, flicking his hair, which wasn’t saturated with product for once.

“Oh Cris, you’re so funny,” I said sarcastically.

“I got you the rest of the day off,” He said with a proud grin.

“What? How? Why?”

“Well, I blinked a few times at your manager and she melted of course.”

“Cris, you’re so conceited,” I slapped him lightly on the arm.

“We’re having a picnic!” He looked so excited, like a little boy on Christmas Eve.

“Really? Why?”

“Because we can. Come on, let’s go.” He offered me his hand, which I took and he led me to his car. Of course, he had brought the Aventador. He knew how much I loved it, and how much I envied him for having it.

“Cris, where are we going?” I asked.

“This little garden, it’s beautiful. I already have the stuff there, its private property so there are no paparazzi around. Junior and I go there sometimes.”

We drove for a while in silence. I was so comfortable around Cris, I didn’t feel like I had to fill every moment of silence with mindless chatter. We could just…be. Cris opened the door for me when I arrived, and I gasped. The place was beautiful. It was full of colour, flowers were everywhere. He got his things and led me to a little patch of grass, where he laid down a blanket.

“This place is beautiful,” I whispered, looking around in awe.

When I looked back at Cris he was staring at me with a different expression. It was almost…lust? He licked his lips, his eyes flicking down to my lips for just a second. Then he realized I was staring at him and he put his poker face back on, going through his little basket to find food.

“I um, made sandwiches,” he said with a little half smile. “As you may have realized, I’m not a master chef or anything.”

“Sandwiches are always good.” I said, taking one. “Cris, you have a basket. Cristiano Ronaldo, the man, has a picnic basket.” I teased.

“Hey, everyone needs a picnic basket!” He said, pretending to be offended.

After we were done eating, we laid down on the blanket, staring at the clouds. We tried to find shapes and faces in them, making ourselves laugh. His hand was around mine. It felt nice, but I felt like if Mesut knew how close and Cris and I were he would freak out.

“I broke up with Irina,” Cris said softly, I barely heard it.

“You what? Why?” I said, propping myself up on my elbow on my side to look at him.

“We were fighting all the time. And nobody liked her.”

“Cris, those are not proper reasons to break up with someone. What really happened?”

He sighed. “Do you really want to know?”

“Yes,” I said. He had turned around to look at me.

“I’m not in love with her anymore. I can’t feel anything for her anymore, not when there’s somebody else. Someone else who makes me feel things I’ve never felt.”


He didn’t let me finish, grabbing the back of my head and kissing me. I sighed, melting against him. He pulled my hips against his, moulding his body to fit mine. He ran his tongue along my lips, exploring my mouth. I bit his lower lip and he moaned, grabbing a handful of my hair. He pushed me down on the blanket, getting on top of me. He ran his kisses along my neck, across the top of my chest. I wanted him, I wanted all of him. I wanted him now.

“Cris, not here,” I panted, as I arched my back.

“Where?” He bit my neck lightly, making me moan.

“The Aventador,”

He nodded and picked up me up bridal style, carrying me to the passenger seat of his car. The windows were tinted and there was nobody around anyway.  The car was small, but we somehow we made it work. I was on top of him, trying to get his clothes off as quickly as I could. I ran my fingers below his belt, teasing him. He moaned, taking my hand and helping me undo his pants. I was completely naked in his Lamborghini, letting Cristiano Ronaldo have me in every way possible.

I couldn’t stop. I just couldn’t. I needed him, it felt like we were made for each other. We fit together perfectly, our bodies perfectly in sync. We moved together, moaning and panting. One of his hands was on my back, and the other on my head, playing with my hair. He kissed my neck, and I held his head there with both my hands, moaning his name. He bit my shoulder, caressing my breasts.

He put both his hands on either side of my face, making me look at him. “I love you,” he whispered, then groaned, throwing his head back.

We finished together, and I collapsed on top of him. He held me like that for a few minutes. Then the tears started.

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