chapter 31

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The final chapter :( Thank you so much everyone for the support! I love you guys so much <3 Don't forget to comment and tell me something 'bout this story ! -Gaby!xx


A few months later


I walked into my room and grinned. Nicole was sitting on the bed waiting for me in one of my old jerseys. It was summer, and I had met this beautiful woman about four months ago. For two months, I had mourned over Rose until I met Nicole alone in a bar in Madrid, while I was trying to drink my sorrows away for the millionth night in a row. She introduced herself, and we hit it off. It she was the perfect best friend, we understood each other completely. What I had with Nicole was so different to whatever it was that I had had with Rose. What I had with Mandy was exhilarating, not stressful. Our relationship was thrilling, not hurtful like it always seemed to be with Rose and I.

I sat down next to her and she pounced. She grabbed the back of my neck, kissing me and pushing me down onto the bed. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her down with me, stripping her of my jersey. She smiled and got up, straddling me.

I looked up at her and saw happiness. She was everything I wanted to be, she brought out the best in me. That was all I could ever ask for.

“I love you.” I said.


I held her hand as I sped a Lamborghini down a street in Sydney. It was the beginning of winter in Australia, and Rose and I had decided to come back to her home so she could see family for a week. It was six months to the day when she had said she chose me. I guess that made it our anniversary. I wasn’t really sure, but I had something very special planned either way.

I looked over to her for a split second. She was staring out of the passenger window, her hand clenching mine over the gear stick. It never failed to amaze me how at any given second, she looked flawless.

“Cris, where are we going?” she asked, looking over at me and flicking her hair back against the seat.

“It’s a surprise.” I grinned, stepping on the accelerator.

We drove for about an hour. We finally reached North Beach, at Wollongong. It was empty this time of night and season.

“Shall we?” I said, opening the door for her and leading her down to the beach. I fetched a picnic basket out of the trunk first.

We chose a spot pretty close to the water, and I set up shop. I laid down a blanket and got out the food.

“You brought a basket,” she laughed. “Cristiano, you are adorable.”

I grinned at her, lighting a few candles for light. “And you, my dear, are beautiful.”

“Yeah, in the dark.” she said with a little giggle.

“In the brightest of lights, you are beautiful.” I said solemnly, leaning over to kiss her. I pulled her chin towards mine and brought her into a kiss.

When we finally broke apart, it was only to eat. We ate, and we drank some champagne, and we laughed.

“Rose…. Can I ask you something?” I said, pouring her another glass of champagne.

She nodded.

“Why? Why did you choose me, six months ago?”

She crawled up close to me, her head coming to rest on my chest, both of us staring at the waves crashing onto the beach, coming closer gradually.

“Because of moments like this. Cristiano, you think of everything. You make me happy.”

I ran my hand along the top her head, stroking her hair and giving her a soft kiss on the top of her head.

“You’re a beautiful human being,” I muttered, almost talking to myself.

She looked up at me with a confused smile. “What?”

“You really are. You always put others before yourself Rose, it’s one of the reasons I love you so much. You’re beautiful, inside and out.”

“I love you,” she whispered, reaching up to kiss me.


“Do you want to go for a swim?” Cris asked with a mischievous little grin after I pulled away from the kiss.

“Cris…we’ll get all our clothes wet and cold.”

“Who said we’re wearing clothes?” He said, getting up and kicking off his shoes. He offered me a hand up, which I stared at with dismay. Did I really want to do this?

“Fine,” I groaned, getting up and taking off my dress quickly.

Cristiano picked me up in his arms and carried me into the water, waiting until the water was deep enough to throw me in.

I screamed and emerged spluttering and wiping water off my eyes. “Jerk!” I yelled, splashing him with water.

He was laughing like a little hyena so I gave him a slap on the chest to let him know I didn’t approve. He stopped laughing but I could tell how hard it was for him to hold it in. Occasionally his face would squint up in this tiny smile and he looked like a dried prune trying to hold in his laughter.

I trod water until I reached him, wrapping my legs around his waist, kissing his neck softly.

“I love you so much,” He sighed, running his hands up and down my thighs.

“And I love you.” I said, bunching my fingers in his wet hair.

“You make me a better person,” He said, his mouth dropping soft, subtle kisses along my collarbone. “You bring out the good in everyone, Rose.”

We swam for a few minutes, splashing and kissing and laughing. Cristiano pulled my hand towards him, pulling me back to the shore. I nodded and he carried me piggy-backed to the shore. I couldn’t help but laugh and occasionally drop a kiss on his neck.

He dropped me on the sand and we put on our clothes, shivering as a breeze ran across us. He pulled me into a hug and I rested my head on his chest.

I couldn’t imagine any place I’d rather be.

“Rose…will you marry me?” He whispered into my ear.

I pulled away in shock to stare at his face. He was dead serious. He pulled a ring out of the pocket of his shorts, and got down on one knee.

“My beautiful Rose, will you do me the honour of becoming my beautiful wife?” He yelled over the suddenly intense wind.

I could feel my heart fluttering and a lump forming in my throat. I couldn’t speak so I just stared for a few seconds until I knew.


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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2013 ⏰

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