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"Bye Daddy!" I said as he finished 'inspecting' our condo.

Every Sunday he came into our home to make sure no locks, doors, windows or anything else was tampered with.

"Alright baby girls. I'm going to the church to get some work done. If you both don't call me by 11 o'clock I'll be coming over." He said waving his key chain to us.

"We know daddy." Karen and I said in unison.

"So what you wearing?" I asked Karen.

"Something simple." She shrugged.

"Can I pick your outfit out?" I asked knowing exactly what I wanted her to be in.

"If I can dress you." She smiled.

"Karen, nothing too loud." I told her.

"I got this. I just think a little switch up goes a long way." Karen advised me.

"You're right, okay just please don't have me looking crazy and all out of my comfort zone." I asked her.

"Deal." She shrugged and went into my room, I did the same stepping into her room and then her closet.

Karen's closet and I were well acquainted since I picked out merely her whole wardrobe. I want to go with cute, and comfy. She always seemed to have a sex appeal to her, so that I'm not worried about. Because it's a nice out, I decided on olive green fitted cargo pants, a white tank top, a sleeveless, long line denim duster,brown colored booties and a pair of glasses.

"How you wearing your hair?" I asked Karen.

"How should I?" She asked twisting up her lips.

"Ponytail, hoop earrings or post?" I asked her

"I'm thinking post. I wore heavy earrings last night."

"Okay."I said and set out on my search for her diamond earrings.

"Karen the diamond earring I brought you , where are they?" I yelled out.

"In my ear, you wanted me to wear them today!"

I didn't respond to her, I just put her bag on the bed and went into my room.

"You done already?" She asked me.

"Yup." I nodded and sat on my bed.

"Alright, so this is what I got for you so far." She said pointing to a pair of pants.

"Alright I got the rest." I nodded and she sat on the bed as I got up.

I pulled out a white tank top to go with it, and a dark denim jean jacket as well. I grabbed my rose gold watch and decided to mix the watch up with some cute bracelets and call it an outfit.

"How about this?" I asked her.

"It'll do." She sighed at the lack of color.

"I'm a work in progress." I reminded her.

"We all are boo. I'm gonna freshen up and I'll meet you back in here when I'm ready."

"Alright, that's cool." I nodded my head.

When she left out of my room, I went into the bathroom and got into the shower. After I was done I wrapped myself into a robe and went to my vanity, I grabbed my Shea Butter and the mixture of oils I use to moisturize my skin and got to work as my flat iron heated up for me.

I tried to keep my composure, and not think about the fact that I was going to be in a public place, with my sister and her boyfriend and his friend more than likely.

I'm not as anti social as I may seem, I just don't like to go out with strangers and I hate to be out of my comfort zone.

"You ready?" Karen said coming into my room and I hmmed.

"Yeah I can take my pins out of my hair once we get there." I said wanting my curls to set.

"Okay." She said grabbing a lipstick of mine.

"You got nerve." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Which should I wear?" She asked.

"None." I told her and she laughed. "Neutral." I rolled my eyes.

"You got like fifty-leven of em'" she fused.

"Figure it out." I rolled my eyes and she grabbed one randomly applying it.

"Cute?" She asked

"Ehh." I said to make her mad.

"Screw you." She rolled her eyes and I laughed.

"It's cute now let's go." I told her. It was the same one I had used only I brushed a tiny of pink lipgloss over it.

"I'm excited." She said

"I'm not." I told her.

"You love to bowl though Taya and you haven't gone since you know what."

"You vowed." I said cutting my eye at her.

"I apologize." She said and I got out of her car, walking to my own.

I hated when she brought up things I hated to talk about, especially at time like this.

"Taya." She said opening her car door.

"Taya nothing. I'm going to this stupid thing to meet your boyfriend, just-just shut up please." I said angry that even after she had vowed to keep away from saying things that hurt me to my core she still said it.

Granted, it was a slip and she had refrained from mentioning it for a year almost I was still upset.

She drove off first and I was right behind her. I need time to just be alone and in my own head just for a little.


What is going on with Miss Taya?
Who do you guys think would be a good potential leading man for Taya?
Who could portray Karen's character?

Update tonight

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