-9- The Surprise Visit.

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~ 9th Chapter. Next one and i'm into double figures :') Thanks && Enjoy...

I only woke up the next morning when my cell rang on my bedside table, very loudly. Looking at my alarm clock, the red numbers displayed 12:01. Did I really sleep past midday? What the hell was up with me? I sat up and rubbed my eyes, yawning as I picked up the still shrilling cell.
“hey baby, you didn’t pick up last night.” Matt spoke,
“shit, sorry babe, I fell asleep.” I replied, yawning again.
“you sound tired. Late night?”
“No. That’s the thing. I was home by ten to 10 and asleep by 10 past. I just don’t know how I slept that long.” I laughed slightly. “So, you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m great. Mom told me she wouldn’t need me today so I’m hoping maybe I could come over? I keep skipping out on our plans recently.” He chuckled.
Well at least he’s recognized that he’s never around anymore.
“Sure. I’ll make dinner. Your favorite.” I replied, bristling with excitement.  
“Mac and cheese? sounds awesome, Charl. Be there around 6, yeah?” I could hear his grin through the call and I was looking forward to it already.
“sounds great, Matty, See you then.”
“yeah definitely. Love you.” He spoke.
“love you too.”
“And babe, I definitely won’t bail tonight. Later Charl.”
“bye.” I responded and we hung up. I got out of bed and raked a hand through my hair, pulling tangled frizzy hair off my face and observing my appearance in the mirror.
In all honesty, I didn’t look great.
Time for a shower.

The hot water felt amazing on my skin as I lathered in my favorite body gel, washing my hair through with shampoo, that smelled like coconut, the water billowing steam into the room. I must’ve stayed in there an hour, just standing there under the pelt of water, calming every muscle in my body, which was stiff from sleep.
Wrapping myself in a towel, I grabbed another and towel dried my hair, blow drying the roots and laughing at the brunette frizz that seemed even worse than when I got in the shower. I brushed it out and straightened it, switching on my iPod dock and dancing round my room, being my normal crazy self as I picked out something to wear.

By three, I was ready, in waist high dark jean shorts and a simple strapless top. I’d slipped converse onto my feet and was now going downstairs, setting my music up in the kitchen while I danced round the house. My body was full of excitement. A proper night with Matt after like a week. One that he promised he wouldn’t leave. And I was actually making food, recently all we did was eat pizza.
How sad was it that I was looking forward to that? I chuckled slightly at myself, grabbing flour, cheese, butter and milk.

I was busy for the next couple of hours, whisking the warm milk, butter and flour together before adding in the cheese, letting it all melt together and then adding macaroni, baking it, sprinkling cheese on top before sliding it into the oven.

And then the phone rang. I glanced at the clock. 20 past 5. Maybe it was Mom or Scott. It stopped before I bothered to make a move to answer it but the message light was blinking. I went to pick it up and it blared out again. Short and sharp.

“Hey babe.”
“Matty? I thought you were coming over at 6? Why you calling?” I asked.
“erm, yeah, about that. My mom roped me into something. I can’t make it babygirl.” He murmured.
“you promised you wouldn’t back out.” I mumbled.
“I know honey. I’m sorry. I can come next week though?”
“You know what Matt? Fuck it. Just call me when you know you won’t bail. Or when you stop being able to use your mom as an excuse.” I spat.
“Charl?” He exclaimed, “I just can’t make it. I thought you’d fucking understand.”
“understand you, Matt? I barely know you anymore. The Matt I went out with a year ago didn’t blow out on his promises, he didn’t skip out on his girlfriend and he definitely didn’t abandon his friends to sit with Cassidy and Paul. Have you even talked to Leighton and Jake recently?” I asked.
“well – well. No.” He sighed.
“Exactly. You don’t know how much they miss you, Matt. How much we all miss the old you. Sometimes I feel so damn stupid for falling for all of this. No other girl in history would let her boyfriend treat her like a toy a much as I do with you. I swear the only time you’ve talked to me in the past couple of weeks is when you want sex. And I’m over it. Just think about it ok? And call me. Just when your back to who your supposed to be.” I sniffled, hanging the phone up, but not before a tear ran over my face.

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