-11- Hanging With Alex.

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 ~ Keeping it short again. Comment. You will probably have the twelfth tonight as well. I wanted to put the whole thing in one chapter, but I think it'll work better in two.

Sunshine. It was bright against my eyelids. Warm. My eyes flickered and opened. I stretched on the couch. My purple blanket was still covering me. My body felt quite decent actually, for spending a night on the stiff sofa. But my head was painful and the sunshine was hurting my eyes, plus the room was spinning.

Turning my head to the side, my eyes drifted to a single sheet of white paper on the coffee table.

Charl, it read,

Hey, Don’t know when your gonna wake up but I left around 9 this morning. Your couch is horrible to sleep on and I needed a shower and new clothes. Thanks for dinner and the drink last night. It was great.

Anyway, be back around twelve to go to the park.

See you later.



p.s. for being scared in thunderstorms, you sure fell asleep quickly.

p.p.s I helped myself to toast. Cheers.

I let out a laugh. How did he manage to make me laugh even through his untidy scrawl? It was almost 10, so he’d only left an hour ago. Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed some coffee and stuck a strawberry Poptart in the toaster, swinging myself onto the counter to wait for it to heat up, sipping at the strong espresso in my favorite coffee cup. I was still in my clothes from yesterday, so I decided after eating, I should go for a shower.

I was ready exceptionally early, sat on my couch by 11:15, dressed in shorts and a cardigan with my best ballet flats on.  Relaxing with a cup of coffee, I wasn’t expecting the opening of the front door.

“Charlotte? It’s me.”

“In the front.” I called back at Alex. “Just walk in why don’t you””

“Don’t mind if I do.” He replied, chuckling, “you ready?”

“uh-huh.” I responded, slinging my messenger bag over my shoulder, following him to his car.

“I thought we’d head to a pizza place, take-out, then eat at the park. Sound good?” he asked.

“Yeah.” I smiled, “Sounds fine.”

And so, we got 2 pepperoni pizzas and drove to the park, all the while, singing along to one of his many mix CD’s.

Right now, I was lying back in the grass. Alex was still, somehow, stuffing his face with stone cold pizza while I listened in disgust.

“How do you even eat that much?” I asked, disgruntled.

“Hey, I’m a growing guy.” He replied, through a full mouth.

“Yeah, outwards.” He pushed my shoulder lightly before sinking back into the grass beside me and poking my stomach.

“at least I have some fat on me, what are you, a stick?” He teased as my face flooded with heat.

“well at least I’m not on the way to becoming a sumo wrestler.” I grinned.

“that was harsh, Charl, harsh and very uncalled for. I’ll have you know, this is all abs.” He responded, grinning widely and pointing at his body. “or soon will be.”

“yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ll believe that when I see it fatso. With those wimpy arms, I’m surprised you can even lift up a toothpick.” I retorted,

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