-23- A Guilty Conscience.

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~bit of a cliffhanger at the end. And just to let you know now, you aren't getting the next chapter till TOMORROW! I know, i'm cruel!

All love guys. xx ENJOY!

The morning was just as adorable as the night before.

I felt instantly hurt as I woke up in an empty bed, void of anyone else and no note in sight. I was so distraught, I barely noticed the jeans and shirt piled at the foot of the bed as I raked a hand through my hair and walked downstairs, battling my need to shout at him through a phone call with the need for coffee.

I decided on the coffee and that was when I found him in the kitchen. Like an actual guy, in the kitchen, making breakfast.

“Hey.” I murmured, upon finding him, my counters littered with stuff from the cupboards.

“Hey. I woke up. I was hungry. You don’t mind right?” He grinned at me over his shoulder.

“Nope. As long as you made me something.”

“You think I’m that selfish, huh, babe?” He laughed, sliding something onto a plate and placing it in front of me. “Just so you know, I make killer pb&j.”

We ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches together and didn’t even think about anything. We’d forgotten to set alarms and therefore by the time we realized, we were two hours late to school. I had no clue how Alex was going to cover this one up, but he didn’t seem to care, so I didn’t press it.

We finished breakfast, laughing and acting like friends as if everything was forgotten. Then he kissed me.

But I was past caring. I was in love with him. Not that I knew how long it would last and be that way, but it was enough for me at the moment.

I wouldn’t be telling him that though. As cute as he was, I still had no idea whether he felt the same.

We went back upstairs, and watched Harry Potter again, seeing as last time I was distracted halfway through it and just continued on through the series.

When I went back to school on Thursday, I acted normally with Kayla, leaving her and Alex alone at lunch and sitting with Shannon from math instead, trying to keep everything like it was before.

Then on Friday, Kayla didn’t even show up. And Kayla never missed a day of school. She text me at 10 and asked me to cover for her, so I did. But I was worried. She had still arranged for me to stay over at hers tomorrow, and I wondered what it was about.

What did she need to say that was so important? There was no way that she could know about me and Alex, seeing as we were the only two that knew about it, and I doubted either of us would tell her.

But something was up with her. And all I could do was hope she would tell me at her slumber party.

That night, Alex stayed at mine again. We didn’t do anything. Just hung out. Watched films and ordered pizza and slept curled up with each other again. I was awake most of the night though, just looking at him. And thinking about how me and that innocent face had possibly just ruined Kayla’s best ever relationship with a guy.

I think he noticed how worried I was about Kayla, because he was reluctant to leave on Saturday morning. I told him I’d text him if I had any problems and he promised to come pick me up straight away if I needed him. Once he’d finally left, I wasted the rest of the day away by dancing round my house and packing an overnight bag as well as texting Scott.

Trying to take my mind off of Kayla, and whatever the hell the thing she needed to tell me was.

Before I knew it, Kayla was on my doorstep so we could go to her house.

“My parents are out.” She whispered as we walked, quiet, and reluctant to speak, which just scared me more. She knew. I could feel it. Just a hovering suspicion that she knew that I was sleeping around with her boyfriend behind her back.

There was no way she would be this off with me unless she knew. No way she’d be this quiet and secretive. But the question was, how did she know? We were so careful. We’d barely been doing anything for the two weeks. It wasn’t enough for her to be all pissed, right? A couple of rushed make-outs and I’d only slept with him once. It wasn’t so bad.

The whole 15 minute walk was silent and tense. You could cut the air between us with a knife and that scared me from head to toe.

“I got out Dirty Dancing. Because we both love it.” She whispered, as she opened the door, walking in to the front room, quietly, a mess of comforters and pillows arranged in a nest like shape on the floor, for us to settle into, surrounded with junk food and drinks. Nothing hardcore or alcoholic, just juice and cola.

She set up the film without talking and I got the sense of awkwardness. Sooner or later she was going to say something. She was going to tell me she knew. And then she was going to call me a bitch and hit me or something. I felt my palms sweat and my head started to pound, painfully.

But she didn’t speak. She didn’t move or look at me. She sat there, knees against her chest, eyes on the screen, quivering, but she didn’t say a word.

“Kayla,” I eventually groaned, halfway through the film, “Stop being so fucking quiet and tell me what’s up? You are never like this.”

I sounded concerned, but really, I was as nervous and nauseous as Hell. I felt like I was about to puke, everywhere. I just needed to know. I needed it over with. I crammed chocolate raisins in my mouth, as I felt word vomit spill up my throat as she looked at me, her crystal blue eyes sad and disappointed. My stomach flipped and sank. What had I done? Ruined our friendship and over a boy.

“You can’t say anything…” She whispered, “Not a word to anyone.”

I shook my head, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “I’ve been such a shitty friend, I don’t expect you to even care, but I hope you do, because I need your help.”

Her hands were quivering and shaking in her lap, her legs crossed and her head facing down, a single tear dripping from her face.

Ignoring all my previous theories, I scooted closer, puling her into a hug, despite the fact she could be crying because of me. She looked up at me. “I-I. I hate myself, Charl. I really do.”

“Kayla, please. You can’t punish yourself for whatever’s going on.” I spoke guiltily.

“just let me know what your going on about. I can help.” I murmured.

Her eyes fixed on mine again and she said something that made my heart stop and my breath catch in my throat. Those two words had an effect on my entire body, making my mind wipe and go blank. 

“I’m pregnant.”

-Dun Dun Dun....

So, Kayla's pregnant. Or could be pregnant. What do you think?


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