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Eleanor's Pov

Louis came down the stairs, stomping his feet.

"Eleanor, grab your things, we are leaving" he demanded.

"Why? Louis, whats wrong?" I asked immediately. He looked back at me with a harsh stare, I looked back at him wish a confused and angry look at him.

"i'll talk to you about that later. But for now, we are leaving." he stated.

"No," I said. "I'm staying."

"Eleanor come, we are leaving!" Louis raised his voice to me. I stood up.

"No, Louis, you're leaving." I said coldly. He seemed to be shocked with my reply.

"Lets not get too hasty here, guys" Niall interrupted.

"Eleanor, don't be difficult, now is not the time." Louis said.

"Louis, these people are my family and I am not going anywhere." I stated firmly.

"El, please just listen to me. We need a break from all of this, we haven't spent any time together in a little more that a week." He told me softly. His anger went down and he looked tired and upset.

"Oh, come here..." I said. I hugged him tight and he buried his face in my shoulder. "I'll go, but only two or three days, then we must come back"

"Thank you" he cried quietly.

Scarlett's pov

I woke to yelling down stairs, I couldn't really decode the words but it was a fight, one that I am positive I started.  I sulked for a while in self pity, till I realized that sitting here wont fix anything, it didn't then and it wont now.  The only way to make anything right is to fix it before its completely gone for good.

I tried to get up, but pain hit me like a hammer to the head and I fell back down to the bed, but I had to fix this, in or out of pain.  I forced myself out of bed after falling several times.  I took a moment to scan my body it seemed much better, though some scars would be permanent at least I was alive, and at least my baby was healthy.  

I slowly made my way down to the living room where all eyes were on me, that is except for Louis and Eleanor.

"Where are Louis and Eleanor?" I asked.  They all exchanged glances.  "Where are they!"

"Scar, just calm down, they are leaving town for a few weeks.  They need some time together as a couple." Liam answered.

"Of course, everyone's been my personal nurse since I've gotten home.  Hasn't anyone taken care of Harry?" I said a little harsh.  But it was an honest question, not once have I seen anyone rush to Hatty's side to help him out .  Everyone has been on my back like an extra layer of skin.

"Scarlett, we have tried but anytime anyone goes near him he shuts us out, he gets angry, he gets a bt scary.  And if he's not yelling at us when we go to him, he insists we go help you." Perrie said.

"Where is he actually?" I asked, noticing his absence.

"He's in his room, he hasn't come out in like four and a half hours, and the only reason he came out was for food and drink.  And if he didn't have to come out to survive, believe me he would ever come out of there." Niall chummed.

Something about that hurt me, I don't know why, but it did, a lot.  I walked to his room in a huff and went straight in.  Disregarding any privacy or courtesy to knock, then shut the door behind myself.

"Get out" Harry snapped, not caring to see who was there.

"Harry?  Wh-what is this?  Why are you in here like this?" I asked referring to how he was, on the edge of the bed staring out of the window at the rain.  His eyes bolted to me, he took survey of my looks.  "Harry, this isn't you"

"Scarlett, shouldn't you be resting, or eating or something?" he muttered, he clearly didn't want to talk.

"Harry, I can see that you don't want to talk, but you will.  Staying cooked up in here wont do you any good.  And besides that, when was the last time you showered?  Because you look like you need one.  Badly." I commented.

"Why are you even in here?  Did you come in here just to talk about my bathing habits because if you did then you can just leave." he emotionless said.

"Dammit, Harry!  Look at yourself!  You cant just hide in here all day!"

"Say's who!?  What's stopping me from staying in here for as longs as I want?  Huh, Scarlett?  Whats going to stop me?"

"Maybe the fact that, one you need to eat, two you need to drink, three you are injured, four you have things to do and five, me.  Wont you come out of here for me?  Harry?  Wont you even look at me?"

he didn't even flinch, just starred at the floor.

"Scar, of course I want to go out there.  Of course I want to be with them, but I'm ashamed.  If I go out there I'm being judged, and I've been judge by so many people so many times, and its usually not good.  Its always 'fag', or 'gay, or some Larry shit!  It's hard to cope with that!"

"Harry, you never told me that, is it all true?"

"yes, it's getting harder and harder to deal with this Larry shit.  People think its real, but its all a massive pile of rubbish.  And I cant do a thing about it!  No matter what I say they're always making up some new shit that management is making us do things, but they're not.  No one ever understands how hard this is on me.  Now if you could just leave I'd be pretty grateful!  I'm done being interrogated tonight!"

And once the sentence was finished I was out the door, with something to think about.  I never had any idea it put so much pressure on him with all that stuff.  How could I help him?  Because he needs help, as much as he says he doesn't he does.  I'd know because I used to have the same look in my eyes about a lot as he did talking about that.


Wow guys, I havent updated in a super long time! I am so sorry for the wait but  I will be posting more frequently!  Thats a promise!  I love you guys, no matter if I seemingly disapear for a while!    Please comment/vote/fan!  Ciao! xx

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