Cher's House...

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Scarlett's Pov

I woke up to the suddenly close of the front door and pouring rain. I looked around my room, its still dark out side, not to mention raining. I can already tell what happened, someone went out to think.

But I don’t blame them, I'm tempted to do the same. I put my hand under my shirt and rub my belly which is going to be big very very soon. I decide I'm going to go catch my mind as well, I just need to think. Asses my thoughts and figure out what happens now? I need to tell Niall something but maybe now isn’t the right time? Maybe I wont tell him?

I mean, if I die, I know Harry nor El would dare tell him. And if I live I can keep the secret. But if the baby dies, maybe I'll tell him?

NO! He would already be hurt and that would hurt him more. I get out of bed and walk to my dresser. I take my phone and a house key just in case. I slip on some shoes, I don’t feel like changing my outfit, my sweatpants are comfortable and my tank top is thick enough to hold warmth. My arms might get cold but oh well. I can live with that.

I walk quietly down stairs and out of the house. I look down each side walk, I can just make out a figure on the right, Harry's. He must have just as much on his mind as I do I. Instead of trying to catch up with him I will go the left. Because being alone with Harry means feeling, feelings means a kiss. A kiss will just make my life harder.

I decide I don’t want to go back home in the morning so I call Cher, she moved to London a few months ago and I haven’t seen her new house. I feel bad calling her at 11:45pm but its drastic.

"hello!" she answers fast. Cher never really was one to fall asleep early.

"um, hi" I choke out, just about ready to break into tears and spill my heart out to her.

"whets wrong, babe?" she asks.

"um, a lot actual. Can- can I come to your place for a night? Maybe two?" I ask. I don’t know when I will feel like going back to all the fighting and yelling.

"of course, love! I'll text you my address!" Cher says sweetly. Thank god for Cher. I had always liked Cher, she was sweet but when ever we hung out it had to be secretive, since that could jeopardize people knowing about my relation to Liam. But that’s all gone now.

You couldn’t watch a single news channel without hearing my name or any of the boys, sometimes even Rachel's name come up. Its insane but its our own faults.

"okay, thank you!" I say. She hangs up and sends me a text. I read the address, its around mid-London. Not where many people live, not where many people even know buildings exist. Right before mid-London there is a large line of trees, which makes people think it is forest. I know better though, luckily the boys don’t.

It will take maybe an hour to walk there but that’s fine, I need to think a lot anyways.

It seems like only minutes before I am at the large line of oak trees that surrounds Cher's home. I walk through them, not minding all the rain falling on me. My converse are water logged and my socks are soaked. Not that it really matters. I can feel water in my shoes every time I step down, making my foot colder.

My arms are almost frozen and my legs are shaking. But, I keep walking till I am at Cher's doorstep. Before I can even knock she opens the door and gives me a sympathetic look. Like one of those 'I am so sorry this all happened to you' looks.

"come on in" she said lightly.

"thank you so much" I say and walk in, leaving my water-filled shoes at the door.

"here, let me get you some dry clothes" she says, trotting off to her room before I can deny.

I let out a sigh and look around her house, its nice. A lot of the actual house itself is white, but all the decorations and furniture are bright, just like Cher.

"here, put these on while I make some cocoa" she says, handing me a pair or pants, sports bra, T-shirt and panties which were still in the bag, in case I needed.

"thanks" I say. She points towards the hallway at a door which I assume is the bathroom.

"that will be your room for as long as you want" she says as I walk to the room. I smile sadly at her and nod thank you to her. I walk in the room and lock the door. I would have showered if the rain hadn’t already done that for me.

So, I just got a towel from a drawer and undressed myself. First I dry my legs and slip on a pair of fresh new panties, my other ones got soaked from walking in the rain so long. I was still shivering but drying off helped. I dry my chest and arms, then put on the sports bra. I like my shoulders feeling open so I decide I will just not wear the T-shirt. I slip into the neon blue sweatpants Cher gave to me and wrapped the towel around my hair.

I neatly fold my wet clothes and make a pine on the nightstand of them. I turn off my phone so know one can talk to me and I walk out to the living room where Cher is sitting on the couch with two mugs of hot cocoa. I walk over to the couch and take a cup of cocoa, then sit facing her. We are both sorta on our knees with out elbows on the top of the couch.

"so, you wanna walk about it?" she asks, breaking the silence. Tears line my eyes threatening to fall but I do my best to hold them back.

"I just don’t know what to do! I am only sixteen and - and and" I start stuttering.

"Scar, who IS the father?" she asks.

I hesitate before taking my gaze to the floor.

"Niall isn’t the father, is he?" she asks. I finally look into her eyes.

"no, he isn’t" I squeak out and break into tears.


oh my god! wow. What did you guys think of that! So sorry for the long wait but this was like insanely hard to figure out how to write! Not to mention I spell checked this one! Anyways, please comment and vote on this! I love you guys, my little pink pumpkins! Ciao for now! xx

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