If I Die

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Harry's Pov

Scarlett's eyes closed and her body fell limp.  I grabbed her wrist and found half a pulse.  My heart was almost pounding out of my chest with anxiety.  I let go of her hand and stood on my knees.  I bit my lip and placed my hands on the burning beam that had fallen on her.  I yelled out in pain as the fire melted me away, literally. 

Tears rolled down my cheeks and I used all my force to push the beam off Scar.  I got it half off them with a final push all the way.  I didn't look at my hands when I took them off.  But by the feeling of them, they aren't pretty.  I put my arms around Scar and got her over my shoulder.  I used the rest of my remaining strength to stand up.  I limped terribly and finally got to the point where I could see the open front door.

I tried to limp faster.  I was about 2 feet away when I stumbled and fell on the floor.  Surrounded by fire, I knew I had to save her.  I put all my strength in my arms and pushed her out the door, luckily, Cher's house is surrounded directly by a soft layer of grass.  The light sound of Scar's body meeting the grass put my soul at rest.  I felt I hand completed something I had to, but at the same time my heart felt half empty.

I closed my eyes and relaxed my muscles.  Coughing over took my body, making me violently thrash around, feeling flames all around me.  Two near my right foot, one next to my waist, and a very large one next to my face.  Pain made me screech through the coughing as a flame met my waist.

My scream was met with more coughing, then the coughing became more violent and blood started coming out.  Soon, the sound of sirens met my ears.  I could hear them coming closer and closer to the house.

I kept my eyes closed and I felt strong arms lift me up and bring me outside where they laid me on the grass.  I didn't want to move, anything, I was covered in burns all over and I don't want to look.  I was lifted up again and this time put into a truck, an ambulance I believe.

I could hear a hose firemen were using to put out the flames. 

Eleanor's Pov

"babe, babe, wake up" Lou shook my shoulder.

"do I have to?" I groaned.

"yes, now up" Louis said.  I finally got up and we talked together down stairs. 

"anyone know where Scar and Harry are?" Liam asked.

"no, haven't seen them all morning" Perrie said.  Niall shrugged and everyone glanced around.  The phone rang and Perrie answered.  Her jaw dropped and she looked shocked as ever.  She froze and dropped the phone.

Tears ran down her face, her hand covered her mouth and she basically fell on Zayn.  She started crying.

"whats wrong?" Zayn asked.

"what happened?  Perrie, what happened?" I asked.

"Harry and Scarlett are in the hospital!  They were in a fire and a lot of stuff happened but we have to go now!" she cried.  Everyone ran to the front door and outside, then into the car.

Liam drove, rather fast actually.  The car ride was silent and worryful.  What if they weren't okay?  What if they die?  The baby?  Are they even alive right now? 

Everyone continuously exchanged scared glance with each other.  I held Louis' hand tight and occasionally dig my nails a little in his skin.  When the car stopped everyone rushed out and ran into the hospital.

"everyone, please, stop running!  This is a hospital and you or someone else could get hurt!  Now, please either sit down or WALK calmly to the front desk where you may be helped" a nurse stopped us.

Everyone walked fast to the desk, trying not to freak out.

"um, wh- we are here to see Scarlett Payne and Harry Styles" Liam said.

"and, um who are you?" the nurse asked.

"I'm her brother and he is our best mate, and we need to see them NOW" Liam said.

"follow me, sir." the nurse said and we all followed.  She led us into the ER and into a large hallway.  It smelled of medicine and rubbing alcohol.  Everything was white and the only colors were the ones the nurses' scrubs were.

"right here, they are both heavily sedated and are going into surgury in five minutes so make it short" the nurse said and opened the door labeled 358.  Everyone walked in.  Scar and Harry were in two different hospital bed on opposite sides of the small room.  Both of them had countless machines hooked up to them.

You could see tons of blood on them both.  No one could tell which of them to go to first.  Everyone was already in tears.

"its pretty bad, isn't it?" Cher's voice said.  No one had noticed her in a chair in the corner by the door.

"ye- yeah.  What happened?" I asked.  Afraid of the answer.  Cher fiddled with her hands, wrapped in gauze. 

"why don't we wait till they go to surgery" Cher suggested.  I nodded and half of us went to each.  Lou, Zayn, Perrie and I all walked to Harry first.

"he- hey, Haz" Zayn said.  Perrie was holding his hand tight, just as I was Louis.  Harry showed no response.

"ca- can you hear us, Haz?" Louis asked his best friend.  I squeezed Louis' hand and he squeezed mine back.

"you- you're quite a fighter you know" Perrie said.

"yeah, with a heart of gold too" I added.  No one could really say anything without bursting into tears so we stayed quiet.  Then everyone switched.  We walked to Scar's bed, she was worse than Harry, but not by much.

"hey, girl" Zayn said quietly. 

"I- I know you'll be alright" Perrie said.

"you're going to be just fine after this" Lou said.

"um, guys, can I have a minute alone with her?" I asked.  I was a little more personal with Scar.  Lou, Zayn and Perrie nodded.

"um, all alone?" I asked.  Everyone cleared the room, leaving me alone with Scar and Harry.

"oh god, Scar!" I broke out in tears.  I knelt by her bed side and held her hand in mine.  "dont worry, you are going to be okay, and we are going to go home after this.  It;ll be like nothing ever happened.  And we can all go back to normal and we can be alright again.  We can all play pranks and joke like crazy.  But- but before you go into surgery, I- I love you like a sister.  A sister I never had.  And I am so thankful to have had they greatest chance of being with you for this adventure." I sobbed.

"e-El?" Scar's faint voice made my head shoot up like a bullet.

"yeah, its me" I said, trying to mask all my emotions.

"I- I need you to make me a promise, right now" she said.

"anything" I replied.  And I meant it.  If her death wish was for me to become poor then I would.  I would do anything for her.

"if- if I die today.  I need you to promise me you'll tell Niall that he isnt the baby's father, and that it's Josh's"

Doctors rushed in and pushed me away to take her to surgery.

"I WILL!  I PROMISE NO MATTER WHAT!" I yelled as they took both her and Harry away.


Well, now you know.  Comment/vote on this!  Tell me your opinions and everything!  I love you!  Ciao!  xx

P.S. You're welcome.  :)  xx

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