I Know

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Eleanor's Pov

Perrie, the nurse and I all walked away.

The silence we walked in was uncomfortable, every step seemed heavier as we came towards the room. We walked in, there wasn't much. A few chairs, two small tables, some machines that I don't even know how work. The nurse sat us down, almost glaring at us with her cold blue eyes, she looked lifeless. Like she could think of a million places to be but was stuck here, I cant blame her for not wanting to be here. The hospital is full of death, sorrow and sickness; who'd want that?

"are you nervous?" Perrie asked. I nodded, my stomach was in knots and I could barely speak.

"put out your right arms" the nurse said, emotionless. Perrie and I did as told and put out our arms. Before I could ask what she was going to do a needle was stuck in my arm, on the inner side of my elbow actually. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on anything but the strange feeling in my arm.

I thought about Louis. The great times together, the way he laughed, the way light shimmered off his hair like a new diamond freshly polished. Every feature of him struck me. The way his blue eyes looked like a beautiful Sapphire gem. The way his smile is so suttle and gentle, but full of life and energy.

Every feature struck me like lightning. The thought of never seeing that beautiful smile on his face frightened me. Tears streamed freely down my cheeks as the thought set in, but a worse thought was seeing every morn over Scarlett's death when I knew I could do something. If I didn't do this I would have a cloud of guilt following me forever.

Louis' Pov

"don't worry, Louis, she'll be alright" Liam assured me.

"I hope so" I said, fighting back tears with all my strength. I know that in her heart she knows what she has to do, and I respect that. It's not like I can make her stop, so why fight her? It'd be like telling a bird she cant fly. If I tried to stop her, fighting her might make me lose her. So I follow my heart to let her follow her's.

"Louis, I know we haven't been on the best of terms but, can we just forget all of the drama and focus on whats important, family?" Niall asked. Never have I seen such sincerity in his eyes. I could tell he really meant it and that he really didn't want any of us to be upset with each other. He patiently waited like a child waiting for approval to play.

I gave him a nice smile and hugged him tight.

"I thought you'd never ask" I told him, which was true. I thought he'd always stay in a slump. After that we went around to everyone, apologizing and asking for forgiveness. We were all happy to have Niall back, the old Niall. The Niall who ate almost every minute, couldn't stay mad, and was sweet like a muffin; that's just his personality. And for once in a long time, it feels like we really have Niall.

"great to have the old you back, mate" Liam said. We all had a group hug, Dani, Rachel, Liam, Niall, Zayn, and I, we even included Rosa. We dont really know her but it's just being nice. We all released our hug and everyone had a smile, not big happy ones, but nice ones. Ones that were familiar, ones that created Harmony between us.

Everyone felt at least a little better. And Niall's words sunk in, 'whats important, family'. Looking around I realized, we may not be blood relatives and we may be strange. But we're family, we look after each other, we forgive and forget, we love each other. And no one can take that away from us, no matter how bad things get.

"well, what do we have here?" someone said. Everyone looked up ready to do what necessary, when we got a surprise.

"SIMON!" Niall, Liam, Zayn and I rejoiced. Everyone got in a group hug, except Rosa.

"you!" Simon called to Rosa, she turned around facing him.

"yes?" she asked, almost intimidated by him.

"get over here! There's always room for one more in a group hug" he smiled. Simon's not as mean as people think, he has a sweet side. Like a father to his kids, he jokes around and protects us, still with a kind heart. Rosa gave a smile and we opened up a spot between Zayn and I for her to join.

"come one, there's a spot right here for you" I said. She came and filled the spot. We all squeezed each other, then broke the hug.

"so, what are you doing here Simon?" Zayn asked as everyone sat.

"well, I heard of everything you boys were going through and I thought I'd come and be a shoulder to lean on. We may not be together so often, but you're still my lads" he said.

"AWWWWWE, UNCLE SIMON!" everyone teased jokingly. Even Simon laughed.

"alright, alright, lads! Anyways, I just want to my best reguards and tell you I'm staying in town till things calm down a little" Simon smiled. We all smiled like idiots.

"um, excuse me?" two nurses interrupted, one was the blond haired blue eyed who took Perrie and El away, the other wasn't familiar. The other had olive skin and light brown hair with matching hazel eyes. Neither was very tall but both were pretty skinny. As far as looks go, they are total opposites, although they looked some what similar in facial structure.

Despite our situation, we all greeted them with a smile.

"yes?" I asked.

"I am just letting you know, the blood has all been donated to your friends and the surgery is begining now" the blue eyed one said. i'll call her Blue Eyes till I know her name, they should wear name tags.

"now tell them about your word mix up!" Brown Hair, my new nickname for the other, instructed. Everyone looked at each other worried.

Blue Eyes looked down, not wanting to admit to her mistake.

"look, she is new here and she miss read, your friends who donated are in no such danger of death. She, is every sorry for the amount of worry you all must have felt for your loved ones" Brown Hair said. Happiness overcame my body, this wouldn't be the last time I see her! I wouldn't have to live without her! I would have to live without love!

"I really am sorry!" Blue Eyes said. Zayn and I looked at each other, he had a huge smile on his face which probably mimicked mine.

"it's alright, love. Thank you for telling us, when will they be back?" Liam asked, Zayn and I being to happy to say anything, only able to jump with joy and hug each other with happiness.

"soon, we are just giving them some juice and a snack to keep their blood sugar at the right area. They should be back out in a few minutes though" Brown Hair smiled shyly.

"thank you" Liam said. They walked off and everyone seemed happier. It seems like everything is finally going our way.

"we'd hate to interrupt your happy party but, we're back!" El said. Everyone jumped up and hugged the two girls.

"El, that was great of you to do" I told El.

"I know" she said and pecked my cheek.


Hello my beautiful peoplessssss! So, what did ya'll think? Please comment/fan/vote! Sorry, I'm not very, up right now it's kinda late and I haven't had much sleep!! I love you! Ciao! xx

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