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Harry's Pov

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else!" my phone rang walking me up.  I must have cried myself to sleep earlier.  I looked around, its still dark out.  I looked at my phone, my mum's calling me.

"hello?" I said, at least trying to mask my depressed and cracking voice.

"are you okay, Harry?" my mum asked.  I never was good at hiding feelings from my mum.  She always had a way of knowing how I felt.

"um, ah, no.  No, I'm not" I told her.

"why don't you came home for a bit, talk about it?" she offered.  Maybe I should tell her, she'll probably find out anyways.

"yeah, on my way" I said.  I hung up and put my phone in my pocket.  I got up and looked around, It cant be past one or two in the morning.  I started walking home, the rain was still going, but it was lighter then before.  Luckily my mum doesn't live too far from here.

After about ten minutes of walking in the rain I reached my mum's house.

"Harry, oh my god, whats wrong?" she answered.  I couldn't tell whether she was referring to my soaking wet clothes or the depressed and broken look I positively have in my eyes.

"I, um..." I trailed off looking at the ground.

"come on inside, Harry.  I'll make us some tea and you can tell me" she said.  Mum led me into the house and sat me on the couch, then brought us some tea.

"so, what is wrong?" she asked.  I let out a deep breath and set my tea on the small living room table, or 'coffee table' as most Americans say it. 

"its a girl..." I said.

"its Liam's sister isn't it?" she asked.

"ye- yeah" I said, tears again flooded my eyes and flooded over.  She looked at me sympathetically.

"but, isn't she with Niall?"

That's sad, even my mum knows she's with him.

"yeah" I said.

"so, she's his?"

"but I don't want her to be!  I want her for myself!" I almost yelled, and stood up.

"Harry, calm yourself.  We all want thing we cant have" she stood up in front of me.

"but its not about me not getting what I want!  Its about her well being!" I yelled.

"what do you mean?" she asked, confused.

"he HURT HER!  He broke her heart and did terrible things to her!  He is no good for her" I screamed.

"harry, CALM DOWN!  Now, sit down and tell me everything"

"I just, I am in love with her!  I have been since we met, but she loves Niall!  I just want to be with her!  I want her to tell me she loves me like I love her!   You know what she told me a few months ago?  She said 'maybe I could see a great marriage between me and Niall'.  She said 'marry'!  Do you know how much that hurt?"

"yes" she mumbled.

"what?" I asked.

"when I was about your age I had a best guy friend, but my best friend started dating him.  He came to me when he would talk about her.  But, I loved him, I loved him with all my heart and sometimes I even thought, maybe I'll tell him?  Maybe one day I'll end up with him if I let things just go how they should.  And one time, we were walking in the park...  We were talking about futures and he told me he was going to propose to her.  I cried my heart out for the whole night.  And you know what, she married him." my mum cried.

I had never seen my mum cry, not like this.  She looked so hurt.  I leaned forward and hugged her tight.  Suddenly my phone rang.

"answer it, Harry" my mum insisted.

"hello?" I answered.

"Harry?" Cher's voice came through the phone.

"yeah?" I asked.

"HARRY!  I.  Need.  You.  To.  Come save.  Me and Scar!"  Cher choked out.  The line went dead.

"mum, I have to go now!" I jumped up.

"what?  Why?" mum asked.

"cant explain!  Tell later!" I ran out of the house.  I jumped in my mum's car, since she doesn't lock it.  I pushed the start button.  And  sped off toward''s Cher's house

I could see a small bit of smoke coming from the far left of the house.  I rushed out of my car and ran inside, not bothering knocking.

"SCAR?!  CHER?!" I yelled.

"HARRY!" a shriek came from another room.  I ran around till I could hear their voices in the room next to the one.  The fire was blocking my entrance to the room, but I could just barely see Scar on the floor with Cher next to her.

Scarlett's Pov

My eyes burn like hell and tears are streaming down my face like a waterfall.  I close them shut as tight as I can in hopes that the burning will die down.  I cant remember how, but Cher and I ended up in my guest room, back against the corner.  I can hear Harry's voice in the house, but I cant make out what it says; or maybe I am imagining his voice?

I want to open my mouth to speak but any time I do that all that comes out is coughs.  Every time I breath, even through my nose it burns.  Everything is burning, my eyes, my nose, my lungs my mouth. 

"SCAR!  SCAR, YOU GOT TO GET UP, WE NEED TO GET YOU OUT OF HERE!" I manage to make out Cher saying.  I nod my head, feeling weak from inhaling all the smoke and occasional amber from the fire.  Cher helps me up and starts walking, half dragging me trying to get to the door.

But, about half way through the room, I fall.  Cher's grip on my hand breaks and suddenly I hear a loud breaking sound before an unbelievable sizzling pain meets my back.  I look to see what causes this pain, a burning bean from the ceiling fell and holds me down.  The fire itself isn't in contact with my skin yet but everything seems to be coming closer.

I shut my eyes and prayed for someone to save me.  But, before I could finish my silent prayer, I felt it.  The burning and sizzling of my own skin.  The terrible burnt smell it gave off and the terrible pains it caused on me.  Before I could shout out for help, the pain was too much and I let myself pass out cold in the burning house


Wow, I feel like it took me forever to write this chappie!  Anyways, how was that?  I would really like it if you guys could comment/vote/fan!  I hope you all enjoyed this!  I will try and update asap, but no promises!  I love you!  Ciao!  xx

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