Burning Fire

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Harry's Pov

"Harry, I-, I lost her in there!" Cher coughed out. I looked back in and I could just barely see Scar on the floor.

"don't worry! Get out, go get help!" I yelled, making sure she could hear me over the sound of crackling, burning and falling things. She nodded, couched and half walked off. I looked back into the room, some how I have to get in there, save her.

I get on my hands and knees and manage to crawl in without burning myself badly. Everything in here is on fire, curtain, bed, ceiling even. That's why one of the beams from the ceiling fell on Scarlett. Its hard too see now because the smoke clouds up most of my vision, even down here. But, I manage to make out her figure, frozen in one position. The only moving she does is a violent cough every time she breaths.

I crawl as fast as I can but, about half way the dresser falls over, almost landing on me. Sparks and ashes fly towards me and I cover my face.  When I look back up I can just barely see her body.  I get back on all fours and start crawling around it.

I finally make my way to her.  She coughs violently and is covered in ashes.  Her eyes are closed but she is still conscious.  I can tell she is expecting the flame that engulfs most of the beam to reach her and I am scared it honestly might!

But, what worries me most is her coughing.  Its violent and loud.

"SCARLETT!" I yell out.  Her eyes open half way and meet mine. She is still coughing and each one worries me more.

Scarlett's Pov

I don't know how much longer I can take this.  Mt coughing burns my throat violently and I feel that fire coming closer and closer to me.  I put my right hand on my stomach and silently pray for my child, I need my child to survive this at least.

"SCARLETT!" Harry's voice calls out to me.  I half open my eyes and look into his.  His eyes are full of worry and sadness, I understand both.

I attempt to open my mouth to speak but my coughing becomes more violent and I start coughing up blood.  I struggle, but manage to bring my other hand to my face and try to cover my mouth.  Harry;s eyes are locked on me and he looks even more worried, if that's possible.

I think I can hear him yelling my name, but I'm not sure.  I can really hear much of anything because of the loud crackling and sound of falling wooden beams. 

Suddenly I feel what is the worst feeling in the world, high, burning flames reach my body.  I let out a scream through my literally bloody cough and squeeze my eyes shut.  I wrap my hand more around my stomach for my child.

The fire reached my leg and is now at my knee.  I cant stop tears from rolling down my cheeks like a waterfall so I let it happen.  The pain traveling up my leg was just unbearable, terrorizing and just awful.

"SCARLETT!" Harry's voice screamed, he was closer now, I could tell.  I felt his hand hold my hand that was wrapped around my mouth.  I'm not coughing as much anymore, The blood stopped, except for my lip because I am biting it so hard.  I start ignoring my pain and focus on Harry and my child.

My hand is removed from my lips and Harry's lips replace it.  His lips are soft, warm and sweet.  His tongue lines my bottom lip, asking for entrance, and I grant it.  The kiss is sweet and loving, perfectly in sync with each other. 

But soon pain takes over me and I pull back, then scream out.  But its too much for the moment so I let myself go and I slowly slip away...


OMG!!!!!   So, whatcha' think?  I am SO SO SO SO SO sorry it took this long to update, but I finally got it!  I also am sorry because this is so short!  But!  There is a reason for that!  So, as everyone knows, I havent revealed the father of the child!  So, I am making a deal with everyone!  If THIS chapter can get BOTH 25 comments AND 25 votes by 6pm tonight, New York time then, I will update and.......... REVEAL THE FATHER!  So, ready!  SET!  VOTE!  cOMMENT!  GO!!!!  I love you!  Ciao!  xx

PS: Just clarifying, Scarlett did NOT just die!  Just thought I would tell you before you asked!  xx

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