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Harry's Pov

As I woke up on the floor, I found my body felt heavy; moving anything felt like a struggle. I tried to look around, forcing my eyes open. I was met by the sight of a dark, damp room; bblack brick walls, a door on the wall infront of me and a window on the other next to it. The room looked like a prison cell.

There was still a layer of acid and blood over most of the floor but it looked dry. I roll myself over, so I am laying on my back and look down at myself.

Skin half gone and burned, bloody and bruised everywhere. Every inch of my body seemed to have some issue, most of both my arms were burned with acid and stained with dried blood. My legs seemed more burned than anything, so much to where I couldnt see in there were any cuts through it. My chest looked worst of all, it was covered in that looked like lashings from a whip and large cuts, many of which had dried up making my chest look like a large scab.

I struggles to try and pull myself up from the ground and decided to crawl to the door. Walking and running were clearly not an option for me.

I got to the door after what felt like miles (really only feet) and forced my arm up to open the door.

What were the chances it's be unlocked? Pretty good for me actually, she'd always had a bad habit of forgetting things like that.

After maybe half an hour I found my way out of the maze of hell and into the open streets. I stumbled around leaning on buildings, railings and anything strong enough to hold me up.

"Oh my lord, are you alright?!" A voice cried out of the dark. I looked around for someone to match the voice to and my eyes found a couple. They looked both around their 30's.

"Honey, phone an ambulance this boy needs help!" The man told the woman, her phone was out just as the words left his mouth and she was dialing.

The man led me to a near by bench, letting me lean on him with almost all of my weight.

"What happened to you?" He asked.

I looked around, a lot had happened. Where would I begin? Yet with so much to answer that question with I couldn't find a single word to answer his question.  I dont even respond, I just pay attention to breathing and ignoring all the pain from my body.

Scarlett's Pov

"Alright, yes, we'll be there.  Okay.  Thank you." Eleanor spoke into the phone.  She'd gotten the call about five minutes ago and left the room, only now to return.  She looked schooked, pale; like she'd just seen a ghost or something along those lines.

"Eleanor, what is it?  What's wrong?" Liam asked.

"H-Harry's in the hospital..." she said timid and quietly, like she couldn't really believe it herself.

Quite frankly I'm shocked, but I'm happy, extatic even.  He's alive, alive.

He may be injured or something but he's alive, as long as he's alive everything will be alright, everything can be mended and we can all have happiness once more.

"What hospital?"

"Can we go see him?

"Is he alright?"

"what happened?"

Everyone was yelling out questions at the same time, everyone except for me that it.  I sat there in silent joy that he was okay, or at least he was breathing and being taken care of.

"St. Edward's Memorial Hospital, we can go there now but they're not sure when we can see him." Eleanor said.

"Well, lets go then.  I dont care if I have to sleep in the hospital waiting room, I need to see him, we all need to see him." I spoke in a strong voice, I hadn't talked that way in a very long time.  I hadn't been sure of anything in a very long time, but this I was sure of.

We all needed to see Harry and we all needed a break from being in that house, wehadn't left for almost a week.  It was an excuse to leave, to not be cooped up in our dark rooms alone.

A quiet murmur was sustained throughout all of us as we got on our shoes and anything necessary and walked out to the cars to go to the hospital.  We split, half in one car, half in the other.  I ended up with Niall, Zayn, Liam and Eleanor.

I just sat quietly and looked out the window, my hands rubbing my belly, which had grown what I'd consider a substantial amount since before I got pregnant.

"How do you feel about seeing Harry?" Niall asked nervously, his hands shaking.

"Happy, nervous,..... Scared?  I don't know what to say to him, or do with him or anything.  I'm completely lost, but I'm going to see him anyways, I cant go another day without seeing him..."

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