Only El

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scarlett's Pov

As much as I wanted to keeping beating Harry something held me back, Liam to be exact.

I was filled with anger at Harry for telling them.  I wanted to kill him for that.  Thank gof Liam held me back, Harry would have been way worse if I had my ways with him.

"SCARLETT, CALM FUCKING DOWN!" Liam yelled at me.

Suddenly my eyes met Niall and I stopped struggling.  The pain, hurt, betrayal and tears in his eyes was enough to stop me in my tracks.  I topped my rage and I let my body fall limp and tears fill my eyes streaming down my face.  I could tell by his look I genuinely hurt him, not just his heart but his hope.

My eyes were begging and pleading but his eyes only showed more and more pain.  I wanted to sooth him.  Tell him it would be alright, tell him it was all a lie and that Harry'ss just a jackass.  But it could be just that, a lie.  Well, except for Harry being a jackass that 100% true right now.

My heart filled with guilt, hurt, and worst of all the pain I see in Niall's eyes.  Even through the dead silence we are communicating, not with words though with our eyes.  We dont have to peak we can already know.  I wish that I couldn't read his expressions so well now because the more I looked at him te more I felt terrible and wanted to die in a hole.

His eyes never left mine, as much as I wanted to look away I couldn't.  His blue eyes drew me in and didn't lt me leave, I loved that most days.  Days when he hasn't hurt at least.  Its the worst to see Niall hurting the way he did, he isn't afraid of his feelings.  I cant even control mine, although I wish I could.

Wish.  Huh, I have a lot of wishes,  I wish I hadn't hurt Niall.  I wish I hadn't had sex with Harry.

Speaking of Harry he is still on the floor, not moving.  Breathing surely, its the only thing you can hear through this silence.   I didn't need to so look at Harry to be sure he was alive, if he as dead I would know, trust me.

"oh look at the time, Liam I think we should go to the hotel" Dani said.  Liam didnt fight her, he put me down on the couch and him and Dani left.

"Lou, it's help Harry" El said.  Lou, Zayn, Perrie and Tom all walked to Harry and picked him up.  I knew why because they didn't want to be in here.  But who can blame them?  If I had an excuse I would head out too, but I cant.

Karilys followed close behind them as they all walked into the kitchen, leaving me with Niall.  Niall walked to the couch and sat down next to me, our eyes never broke eah others gaze.

"Niall, I am so sorry!  I- I didn't mean it"I cried.

"I forgive you" he said.

'what?" I asked.

"I forgive you" he repeated.

"but, why?"

"because, you needed me and I wasn't here for you" he said.

I was honestly shocked.  I did everything bad to him and he still forgives me?  Why?

"But, why?  I lied to you, I cheated on you, I broke your fucking heart for gods sake!  And all you do is forgive me?  Why?  I am nothing but trouble with attitude!" I yelled.  Suddenly angry.  Why does he forgive me?! 

I cant piece it together!  It just doesn't make sense!

"I forgive you because, I love you.  You could screw up a million times, and I will still love you" he said.  

That's all it took to break me.  The words replay in my head a million times yet I cant seem to understand, why does he still love me?

He leaned in and placed his soft lips on mine.

A kiss I had longer for longer than forever.  Sweet and gentle, moving in sync together with a slight take of vanilla on his lips.  Possibly his chap stick but who cares?

I wish I didn't enjoy the kiss so much.

"Niall..." I whispered as we broke apart.  I looked into his eyes, the pain and hurt  replaces with almost happiness but not quite.  

I felt his hand on mine and we intertwined our fingers.  His hand was warm, soft, strong.

There is only one problem with enjoying this so much, soon I'll take away his happiness.  I'll have to tell him a painful truth,  He wont want to believe it but its still true.  He might leave me, he might wait by my side.

But either way, he will be broken, to a million pieces all because of me.

"Niall, babe, can you get El?  I need to talk to her alone upstairs, send her to the guest room" I said. We both stood up and I walked upstairs to the guest room.

I sat on the bed and soon El came in.  She closed the door behind herself and sat on the bed, next to me.

"El, I cant hold it in any more, I have to tell you something" I said.

"its about the baby...." I trailed off.

"its okay, I already know" she said  I was utterly shocked.

"but, how?" I asked.

"Harry, he didn't want you to have too much pressure on yourself." she said.  In a way I was thankful for that but in another sad Harry told her first.

"please don't tell anyone, El" I begged.

"don't worry, I wont.  I will keep it secret until you tell everyone.  But don't wait too long, the longer you wait the harder it will be' she said.  She is right.

She hugged me tight and rubbed my back

"thank you, El.   Its so nice to know I have you here for me" I said.

"no problem, I am always here.  You can cry on my shoulder anytime, its here for you" she said.

I am so lucky to have El.  I don't know what I would do without her, but it probably isn't good!  El is like my sister, I wish she was but she's not.

"I'm going to go don stairs now" she said and sood up.  She let the room and a simple yet complex thought scramble around my mind.

So, when do I tell them?


AHHHHHH!  More cliffhangers!!!!  Bet you wanna know who the dad is right?  Well, not yet because that's almost here!  Comment and vote PLEASE!  The more you guys comment and vote the faster I will update!  Hope you are all ready for surprises.......  I love you, my little pink pumpkins!  Ciao! ;D xx

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