The Night

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Karilys' Pov

Tom and I walked in from outside on the porch to everyone in a bad mood.  We had went outside after Scarlett told us, to try and avoid all the yelling.  We came in to find Perrie and Zayn were arguing, mostly Perrie yelling at him, Dani trying to consoled Liam, Niall and Harry talking in the kitchen, but Lou and El no were to be found.

"what happened?" Tom asked.

"I think they all had a fight?" Tom guessed.  Well, I hope they are all ashamed of themselves! 

"I'm going to say something" I declared.

"babe, are you sure?" Tom asked, he is alwys so protective!  I nodded and rounded Everyone on the couch.

"well, do you have anything to say for yourselves?" I asked and put my hand on my hip.

"that Niall shouldn't have nailed my sister" Liam muttered.  I stepped towards him and gave him a smack on the back of his head.

"wrong answer" I said.

"you know what?  Karilys is right!" Zayn stood up, I was rather shocked but let him continue.  "Scarlett, was just being honest with us and we didn't even react!  We should be happy for her, and her child!  She needs support, she needs us"

"I'm with Zayn" Harry and Niall said.  Dani and Perrie were already on the same side as Zayn.  That just left Liam, Lou and El aren't really in this at the moment

"well, Liam, where are you?" I asked.

"I'm on the side I need to be for now" he said, with a frown.

"Zayn, I think you owe something to Perrie?" I said, looking at both of them.  I gave Zayn a harsh death glare too.

"Perrie, I am so so so sorry I started dating you while I was dating Rachel, I just Rachel was so far away and, and I just, I am so sorry" he said.  Perrie looked at him, unsure if she should believe him.

"I accept your apology, but we are going to have to talk about this a little more later." Perrie said firmly.  I gave her a quick sympathetic look befor giving Liam a cold stare.

"what?  Don't look at me, I have done nothing!" Liam said.

"exactly!  Look, Liam, she is your sister,she is your family!  I do not care how fucking bad she screws up!  She could have killed some one, but you are her brother!  She needs you now more than ever!  And, if you aren't there for her these next nine months are going to be a living hell for all of us!  Now you listen and you listen good, I do not care what she does or what she says,  you sit here are you support her like the real fucking brother you are!  Are we clear?!" I yelled.  I guess he hadn't really expected that from me, since I was shy earlier tonight.

"I don't-"

"are we clear?!" I asked again through gridded teeth.

"y-, yes" he stuttered.

"Dani, how was Scar when she left?" I asked.  I don't know where she went, but I know enough to know she isn't here right now.

"hurt, broken, and tired" Dani replied.  I let out a sigh, the poor girl just need support.

"okay, its already pretty late, lets go to sleep" I said, now using a quiet voice.  Everyone nodded and we each sat on a couch, or made  bed from pillows on the floor. 

I laid down in between Niall and Tom on the floor and Harry brought everyone pillows.

After a while I could here Niall and Liam whisper shouting at each other.

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