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How long has it been...? Since I've known myself...? My name is Wilson, but what is behind the name? A puppet on strings? No, more like a sad man whose past weighs heavily over his shoulders.

Why did I agree to do this...? To follow through on this project... Am I really that weak? I chose to undergo experimentation that is to remove unwanted traits from my personality without surgery, done under the research group Memoir. Inc. I willingly chose to try and remove the thing I most hate about myself, yet now... in an ironic twist... I feel regret for it. As I sit here waiting in line for my turn, I feel this aching in my heart that what I am doing is wrong. Have I really stooped so low as to throw away what I believe just because I don't want to remember the past?

No... I can't falter now. I made this choice, and I will stay true to it. I signed my name on that contract-and now I have to pull through. If I don't, that will only prove how weak I truly am. It may not prove to be so bad... having the part I most hate about myself taken away-never to haunt me again... or am I simply trying to run away?

To run away from that day, the one that changed me forever. The day I...

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