Chapter 12: Without Pills

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As Noir and I walked back to the large hallway we heard a scream.

I picked up my pace and ran into the room.

Inside the others stood around the recorder thrown on the floor, the pills scattered across the floor... most of them broken and in pieces.

"What happened!?"

Volio looked at me stressed.

"It seems... someone got rid of the pills..."
So... the murderer...

"He is getting a little nervous. Isn't he...?"
Volio nodded.

"Yes, it seems that we are going to have to pick up the pace if we are going to find them."

"Let's pick up as much as we can..."

The others agreed and started to pick up the pills.

After we gathered the remainder we counted them.

Felipe held out four, Volio held out three, and Allison held out two.

"So... 12."

Allison looked at Nori.

"I... I'll give my share to Nori."
Nori held onto Allison.

"No, papa..."

Allison shook his head.

"Yes, Nori..."
Nori nodded.

Volio looked at me.

"I... I'll keep these, so my anger won't end up killing anyone..."

Felipe handed his to Katori.

"Here... I don't need them."

Katori looked at Felipe concerned.

"Felipe... there is enough for both of us, two for me and two for you..."
Felipe shook his head.

"It's alright... I think... I think I found out how to stop our doubles from taking over."
We all looked at Felipe in surprise except Allison, who looked at him worriedly.

"What do you mean...?"
Felipe breathed in and out a deep breath as he looked at us.

"When I ran off with Wilson, we talked and after a while I realized what I was running from. I was running away from my fear when I should have accepted it, and I did just that. After that... I can feel fear again, but I know my double didn't take over. I feel uncertain and unsure yet I still can express my other emotions just as well."
Felipe put a hand behind his head.

"Of course... I can't say for certain."
Allison looked at Nori and back to Felipe.

"So... what you're saying is if the person accepts their other side, their double will cease to exist and return to the original persona?"

Felipe nodded.

That essentially means we are going to undo the entire procedure...

I don't want that...

I don't want my regret...

Yes, you do... you want to feel regret.


I held onto my head.

This is getting tiresome... having to deal with my other side.

He's even messing with my thoughts now...

Volio looked at me concerned.

"Hey, are you alright? You look pale..."
I nodded.

"I-I'm fine..."
Volio narrowed his eyes at me.

"Alright... but if you feel worse tell me. I know that your double is getting harder for you to control."
I tightened my fist.

"Yes... but I'm sure we can catch the murderer before then..."
Volio shook his head.

"You should really worry about yourself more... as your friend I am going to tell you to eat this."
Volio handed me one of the blue pills he found.

I shook my head.

"Remember what the person on the recorder said..."
Volio looked at me disappointedly.

"It's alright... I think his plan has already been screwed up enough."

I took the pill a little unwillingly and swallowed it.

I looked at the others as they looked back at me.

Felipe sighed.

"Alright... so who doesn't take a pill tomorrow?"

Allison looked at Noir.

"Noir," Allison turned to Volio, "Volio, and myself."

Katori knelt onto the ground and picked up the recorder.

"Ok then... so who holds the box?"
Allison held out his hand.

"I'll take it... that way no one will get any ideas."
Katori nodded and handed him the box as everyone put the remaining pills into the small compartment.

"Ok then... let's make something to eat."

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