Chapter 19: Epilogue

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Two years ago, I found myself trapped in both my own mind and in a facility. There I learned how to cope with myself and I learned how to not run away from the past as it will only haunt you to the day you die. I was a fool back then... but I made friends while I was locked in there.

After we had discovered Allison was the murderer, he made his way to the security room and unlocked all of the doors and the security barriers. After which he wrote a note explaining what happened and killed himself.

The note read,

'To those who find my body, my name is Allison. M. Grant. I am one of the head researchers here at this facility. I killed my coworkers and the other employees here for my own selfish reasons of which I hope are never disclosed. There are a group of survivors that you may or may not have already met-but regardless if you have do not on any of this blame on them. They were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. I will have paid my dues by the time of this letters finding, and I want them to know that I am sorry for what I had done but that I have come to terms with what I inadvertently created and what I inevitably destroyed. It's strange... I feel happy to have been discovered. It's as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I am glad... and as I will leave this world, I have no more regrets. Well, only one and that is for leaving my daughter when she needs me most. Please tell her, I am sorry and that one day, I hope she understands.'

Volio, Felipe, Katori, Noir, Nori and I all made it out of the facility that day and made our way to the police station to explain what happened. As we stayed with Volio in the hospital, they were the ones that found that letter.

I have read it many times, and I wonder if perhaps he thought there was no other way to mend his mistakes. I don't know, nor will I ever. But at least he died at peace with himself, though I will not say whether I believe his actions were justified or not.

In the two years since then, Katori and Felipe were married. I attended their wedding alongside Volio who I have kept in close touch with. We've become really close friends and I have gotten over my fear of making relationships with people. I accepted my feelings and the past that influenced them.

Noir on the other hand never accepted her other half and ended up becoming her other half, because it was impossible for her to accept it without emotions. Though, I have helped her get over her past and we even started to date. Alongside that I have taken in Nori, since as it turned out she has no other living relatives. Nori is a bright young girl with a good life ahead of her and has been attending school. She has also since recovered from the effects of the procedures done to her at the facility. But, I don't think she has healed just yet from her father's actions, but slowly she is coming to accept it. The facility itself was shut down as no data could be retrieved from the files and everything that had been done there was essentially erased. It sits there foreclosed and empty. The procedure soon made its way into obscurity soon after.

As for me, many people wondered what happened there, so I wrote a small book of my accounts there. Currently I am running an organization to help people cope with their pasts and their feelings-to help them face their problems and not run away. I decided that's what I had to do, since that's what plagued me for so many years. I live in a nice house with Nori not too far from the cemetery where her father was buried. I don't know what is in store for the future, but I will not run away from it when times get hard.

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