Chapter 1: An Abrupt Beginning

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I sat up breathing heavily as I held onto my head.

"Where am I...?"

I looked around.

There are a few gurneys around here... I'm in a medical room of some sort. There are file cabinets opened at the end of the room. What happened though...? I can't remember...

All I recall is getting called into the office... and then...

My head pounded.

I should find a way out of here.

I pushed myself off of the gurney and shakily made my way to the door at the far end of the room.

As I opened the door, I found myself staring into a dark hallway.

This is weird... what happened? I remember that the lights were on before my memory went blank.

I walked down the hallway, my hand on the cool surface of the solid white wall.

I looked into the windows of the rooms that I passed, to see the lights turned off and everything inside in a state of disarray.

I don't like this...

I walked into a split in the hallway, a large receptionist desk left on the side.

Shouldn't there be someone here...?

The phone sitting on top of the counter suddenly rang.

I picked it up.

"Nice to see you are all awake."

I can't talk...

My throat doesn't seem to want to let me...

The voice laughed softly over the intercom system.

"Now, I'm sure you are all confused as to what's happening. That is entirely understandable. But... now comes the hard part to swallow. Only fourteen of you are alive in this facility, and don't think calling for help is an option. None of you have phones, and all of the ones here are private lines. Now, the rest of the staff were killed off, so don't expect any sympathy or help from them either. But-congratulations! The experiments worked! Are you all happy? I hope you are... because it comes at a price. You see, there is something in particular you all should know if you want to get out of here alive. One of you-is a murderer, and no, it isn't me. One of you fourteen killed everyone else here in this facility except you remainders. That person also has your only means of escape-the key-if you will. But... more on that later. Find the killer, and you all can go home. If not... well... let's just say you don't want to know after your times up. The game has just begun."

I hung up the phone. What the hell...?

Who was that...?

I can't just believe them... I can't... right?

Only fourteen of us are alive in this facility... and one of us... is a murderer?

This has to be some sick joke... a prank...

I walked quickly down the hallway, and pushed open the doors at the end of it and into a large entrance leading outside.

Six others looked at me as the door shut behind me.

A tall man wearing a green vest stared at me.

"Looks like another one's. One hell of an abrupt awakening, wasn't it?"

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