Chapter 17: Reveal

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I ran as hard as I could down the hallway and made my way through the main room we all have slept in.

I stopped to catch my breath. No doubt they are behind me... I need to get there-to the medical file room.

I looked around to see the food left where it was before we left earlier today...


I held onto my head as it started to pound.

It seems the pill wore off...

I looked around again to see Nori as she sat down against the wall and looked at me.

"Hello Leo."


Why did she call me that?

"Hey! You aren't getting away!"
Allison's voice came from behind me.

Damn! It looks like they are catching up...

I ran again, even harder than before and wound up in a T section of hallway.

Wait... I know this place-!

I ran down the hallway to see an opened door, a sign above it that reads,

'Medical File Room.'

I made it...

I walked slowly down the hall to the place where Allison and Nori were in the video and stopped at the door at the corner of the hallway.

I waited by it and leaned against the wall.

Allison and Felipe ran down the hallway after a long time of waiting.

Felipe breathed in heavily.

"We... we got you..."

Allison hid his shortness of breath and stood strait.

"There's nowhere left to run..."

I nodded.

"There isn't, not for you."

Allison narrowed his eyes at me.

"What do you mean?"
Katori and Noir ran in afterwards, Volio held in a makeshift gurney behind them made out of Katori's jacket, carefully cradled around his head as they pulled him along.

I looked at Volio...

I'm sorry...

You should be.

So... you are in my thoughts this early, regret?


I won't fight you anymore...

I hoped you would say that. Does that mean that you have accepted me?

I won't hide from my past anymore-I killed him... my best friend. Though, I allowed my own grief and self-pity to overwhelm me and I allowed myself to lose everything... not anymore. I have to face my regret...

Thank you...

My head pounded slightly for a moment but stopped calmly, my head more clear.

I guess he's gone... I accepted my regret-so that now I can finish this.

Allison looked at me.

"So... what is it? If your double didn't do it... then that means you planned this."
I shook my head.

"Afraid this is checkmate Allison. It all makes sense now. You are the murderer!"

Allison tightened his fists.

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