Chapter 3: To Narrow the Suspects

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We all sat down in a circle around the center of the room, the pills in the middle of us. Allison looked around and sighed.

"So... now that everyone's calmed down... it's time we introduce ourselves. Now is the time to narrow down our suspect list. There are only seven of us."

The girl wearing the jacket shook her head.

"There are many more of us..."

Volio spoke up from next to me.

"Yes... there are still our doubles."

Allison nodded his head.

"Yes... there are, but we all took a pill except for..."

He looked at me.

I crushed five of the pills with my shoe and blew it away so that whoever the murderer is wouldn't follow through with his words.

I don't regret it though... how could I?

"It's fine..."

My head ached a little.

"No... no it's not fine... I shouldn't have crushed those pills..."

I shook my head.

Allison looked at me with a hint of worry behind him.

"I see... so you got rid of your regret."

He closed his eyes for a moment before clearing his throat.

"Well, this is what we are going to do. All of us are going to take turns explaining what we did up to the time we met each other here, as well as what personality trait we removed. If the murderer is a double, it will be best to know what kind of personality they have. Can we all agree to this?"

Everyone shook their heads in a yes.

Allison held onto his daughter.

"Me and my daughter will go first then. As you know my name is Allison, and my daughter is named Nori. We came to this facility to get rid of our sadness. You see, my..." Allison slightly cringed, "My wife, my son, my mother and my cousin were all killed in a fire not very long ago. Since then, life has been hard for me and my daughter, so we decided to come here. We took our turn together, and after the procedure we were taken to a room to rest. Once we had woke up in the medical room, we walked out we walked out and found everyone here."

The young blond kid raised his hand.

"I'd like to go next."

Allison nodded.

The kid smiled in acceptance.

"My name is Felipe. I had my fear removed, and now I am the bravest one in the room."

The girl wearing the orange jacket laughed.

"Only until that drug wears off... heh."

Felipe rolled his eyes.

"Oh shut it Katori."

Katori laughed.

"My name is Katori as Felipe already said, and we came here together. I had my shyness removed from me. Both me and Felipe underwent the same experiment at the same time. Afterwards we woke up in a closet in the halls-though were not quite sure how we ended up there. That's when we came into this area of the facility and found you guys."
The girl wearing the jacket looked at Katori.

"Is it my turn...?"
Katori looked at her a little unsure.

"You can go whenever you want."

The girl in the jacket stayed silent.

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