Chapter 13: Day 3

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My stomach started to growl.

I opened my eyes to see everyone sleeping around the middle of the room.

All we ate yesterday was a small lunch of canned fruit and the few pieces of bread we had left.

I'm still hungry, but I can hold off...

Today we have to find out who the murderer is...

Or else... were going to run out of pills and I won't be able to stop my regret from getting the better of me.

I stood up and stretched my back.

The floor isn't that comfortable...

I felt my pocket to check for the recorder.

It's still there... that's good.

I looked around at the others...

Volios here, Allison and Nori are here... Felipe and Katori...

Wait... where's Noir?

Hmmm... this is strange....

I walked towards the doors leading to the left wing of the facility.

Suddenly Noir walked in from the doors, a smile on her face.

"Hey! Wilson right? What are you doing up? I wanted to surprise you all with breakfast!"
I looked at Nori a little curious.

She's different with her emotion. Also, breakfast?

Noir winked at me.

"So... will you help me?"
"Huh...? O-Oh... sure..."

Noir smiled and spun around.

"Alright! I was worried I would have to cook alone! Now I can cook all the stuff I brought from the cafeteria... though it was a pain to break the lock on the refrigerator, but oh well."

She broke into the refrigerator...?
Noir walked up to me and grabbed my arm.

A little forcefully she pulled me to the food pile to show me a dozen eggs and a few more loafs of bread.

"See? I got us some real food... not that disgusting crap we ate yesterday-oh wait did I say crap, sorry I didn't mean to let that slip-sorry!"

Noir looked at me a little sad.

She's jumping in and out between different emotions really easy. I'm going to guess this is her double.

"It's ok, Noir."

Noir smiled for an instant but narrowed her eyes at me.

"You may call me emotion, thank you very much. That's what you told that boring me what my name was. Her name is Noir-my name is emotion. So, don't mix it up, ok?"
Noirs face grew slightly angry.

I better not get on her bad side...

"Alright... I will call you emotion."
Volio stretched his arms as he yawned.

He looked at Noir and me.

"Hey, what are you two doing?"
Noir smiled.

"Were going to cook some real breakfast!"
Volio rubbed his eyes.

"What? With what?"

Noirs eyes grew wide suddenly as she grabbed me by my arm forcefully.

"I completely forgot! Let's go Wilson! We need to get something to cook with!"

I looked at Volio.

"Tell the others-"
Noir pulled on my arm and started to drag me with her.

Volio nodded.

"I got it... just keep an eye out, alright?"
I nodded as I continued along with Noir.

So far, I can't be certain whether or not Noirs double could be the murderer...

She could be if she they had angered her and she went into a rage... but that wouldn't make much sense.

She seems unstable, unable to reasonably decide whether or not she should show emotion and is acting on impulse rather than logic. In this state she couldn't have planned anything...

Though... I have better find out why she came here to the facility. Maybe that can shed some light on the murderer.
Noir and I walked throughout the hallway towards the cafeteria.

Noir hummed to herself happily as she walked next to me.

I better ask her.

"So... Noi-er-emotion..."

Noir looked at me curiously.

"Why did you come to this facility to get your emotions removed?"

Noir stopped walking and stared at me for a few seconds, a blank look on her face.

She turned her gaze towards the floor.

"I don't want to remember... but I want to trust someone..."

Noir ran her hands through her hair as her eyes darted around the room.

"I want to tell you-but I don't want to remember-yet I can decide so I want to explain that I... that I used to have a lot of friends before-no! I can't just say those things outload... its sad... I don't want to remember!"

Noir fell onto her knees and held onto her head.

"Do I have to explain? No, no I don't-yet here I am as indecisive as ever-I still can't make a choice. Hate myself-but is it my fault? I don't know what to say... I..."

I knelt next to her.

"Noir... its ok, calm down..."

Noir took short breaths.

"I'm ok... thank you. You are a good person...unlike me."

My heart suddenly ached a little.

Why does my chest hurt...?

Is it because I can't feel regret... for back then?

I think I feel sad...

Could it be that maybe, Noir is like me...?

I looked at Noir.

"You don't have to tell me... I won't push you to do so."

Noir shook her head and slowly stood back up.

"No... I want someone to listen. That's all I have ever wanted. I'm sorry for that episode... please forgive me for that. I'm also sorry for... for how I am without emotion..."

I nodded my head.

"It's alright."

Noir slightly smiled.

"I expected you to be angrier with me... or perhaps disappointed... but you seem more concerned than anything... ah well... thank you."

I looked at Noir.

Why does she suddenly remind me so much of myself...?

Noir looked down the hallway.

"It happened about a couple years ago..."

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