Chapter 9: Reverse Trap

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Felipe and I hid in a small room along the hallway, the sign "Assistance office" over the doorway. Outside the door is a map of the hospital.

Felipe cut the ties around my hands and breathed in.

"Sorry... for doing this."

I shook my head.

"It wasn't your fault. Your double came out after you got scared and did something rash."
Felipe sighed.

"Yeah... I used to be a really timid person."
"I think Katori said something like that."
Felipe looked the side.

"Katori... why did this have to happen...?"

My head feels swollen...

"It's partly my fault... I did after all... I was one of the ones who accused you. I'm sorry..."

I held into my head.

"Damn... He just keeps coming back..."
Felipe grinned.

"To be honest, I think your regretful side is more honest to your feelings than you are."

I shook my head.

"Believe whatever you want to believe..."

Felipe's stomach growled.

He laughed a little.

"Guess I'm hungry... too bad I didn't bring food with us."
"It's alright. Now, I have to ask..."
Felipe's face grew serious.

"What is it? Are you thinking about who the murderer is...? Since I've been cleared of suspicion?"

I nodded.

"It's been bothering me for a while now. I know that you, Volio, Nori, and Noir aren't the murderer. That only leaves Allison."
Felipe rubbed his hand along his neck.

"I... I don't think its Allison, and I know for sure Katori is innocent."
He's the most likely suspect...

"Why? I can understand why you would stick up for Katori but why Allison too?"

He put his hand down.

"Well, if you think about it, why would Allison be the murderer? His daughter is with him here. Erasing everyone means erasing Nori too, to be replaced with her double. From what I have seen, Nori is really loved by Allison. I don't think he would do anything to harm her, let alone erase her."

"That's a good point... if he was the murderer, why would he have his daughter involved? That does prove something..."

We stayed silent for a few minutes.

I am sure he is thinking the same thing. If Allison isn't the murderer, than who is?

Felipe started to whistle a little hymn.

I looked at him confused.

"Why are you whistling...?"

Felipe stopped and smiled.

"Well, I usually whistle when I think. That and I need to calm down and accept what's happening. Wish I did that before even coming here, now that I think on it."
"What do you mean?"
Felipe laid down on the cold ground.

"I... I was scared of commitment. It sounds silly, to me at least, because I really do love Katori. But, I felt so unsure of myself..."

Felipe paused for a second as he flinched.
"I feel unsure of myself-I came here for Katori and now... now Katori thinks I am a murderer-she thinks that I set this up... I didn't want this to happen-I came here so I could be brave for her and stop being so unsure of myself... to stop being scared by everything."
Felipe sat up and held onto his head.

"You know what... I was an idiot to even consider this experiment in the first place. I just didn't want to accept that I was unsure of my future and that I felt scared that Katori would stop loving me because I am such a coward. Because I was afraid that I wouldn't be good enough for Katori. But you know what, I accept it. I know now that I have to face my problems... and the first thing I need to do is clear my name. So what do we do then?"

"That's a tall order... but I think it's doable. We're going to need to get the others to the video room-which we'll find using the map outside the door. Then, hopefully the cameras are still recording and we can go to the point where you were in the hallway. I'm not sure... but maybe they will even reveal the real murderer."

Felipes smile slowly grew larger.

"That's right... Alright then! Let's get to planning!"

There is just one thing that keeps bugging me...

If it turns out that Felipe didn't go into the medical file room, then why did Noir say she saw him walk out of it? And why was the cabinet open?

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