Chapter 18: Initial Reasons

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Tears streamed down Allison's face as he looked at the ceiling.

Felipe held onto Katori as the stared at him blankly. Volio stayed in the makeshift sling silent as Noir who stared at Allison quietly.

Allison looked at his hands.

"A month or so ago, my wife and I were undergoing a test on a patient when something went wrong. Horribly wrong... that lead to a fire that killed the majority of my family except me and my daughter. My fellow researches were fascinated by the results of the experiment-of its capabilities... though I knew far different. My wife and I never intended for the procedure we created to be used in such a way. So, I planned a way to completely destroy my own creation-it was simple. I waited for the next set of patients to come in to enact my plan-which happened to be you all. The day of the procedure I had both my daughter and I undertake it to remove our sadness... well, I had her do it. I never actually underwent it myself. I feared that if I did, my plan would fail. So, after she fell asleep after the procedure I bribed one of the security guards to drop the emergency barriers around the facility and to lock in everyone using the automated door system under the guise of a practical joke... though it was nothing of the sort. He did so gladly, and afterwards I strangled him to death. After that, I simply waited for the rest of you to fall asleep before I killed off the rest of the personnel here-it was easy after all. I threw their bodies in the incinerator for trash we have here, effectively getting rid of them. They deserved it... for what they planned to use our research for. But, you all did not deserve to die, and my plan started to fall apart-that is-until I read Volios file and learned about the incident he had found himself in during his time in the service. So, I decided to duplicate it. That way I wouldn't have to kill anyone else, and I could show the public what happens if the no pills are given out to the patients. All I had to do was set up the recorder and an automated phone message over the intercom. In it I tried to put some suspicion on Wilson by putting it on his person and making him a target-as well as calling him by his previous name. It was simple really... and I acted like a regular man who underwent the same experiment to fool you all and stall as long as possible until you all disappeared into your doubles. I did a lot of other smaller things, but those are inconsequential, however, as you and Volio soon started to suspect me. So I decided to frame Felipe as he could be easily manipulated due to his double being fear. The small door there... there are more of them that are used to pass files and whatnot throughout the majority of the rooms without having to physically leave the room. I had Nori open the door to the medical file room, and take out the files from the cabinet. She did as she was told and soon I had all I needed to frame Felipe. Though I didn't expect him to fall into my lap so easily. I hinted for him to check it out and he did much to my delight, and then Noir saw him go in-I also though he did... but I didn't realize he only stayed by the doorway. That's why I went ahead with my plan and had Nori take his pill by using his sympathy against him. Yet, after he was proven innocent, well, I panicked. I had to do something or else everything I did would have been for nothing... so I planned to put the blame on you Wilson... and kill Volio. After all, you two were the ones most suspicious of me. So, everything after that played out much like you said Wilson. I used Noir as my weapon. She was the one who knocked you and Volio unconscious-all I had to do was tell her to using my voice modifier. After that I disposed of all the evidence that pointed at me and hung Volio upside down by the rope-Noir at the ready to cut it. Yet, I never expected you to have figured it out so soon. I knew it was a gamble sending you there-but I took it and looks like I lost."
We all stayed quiet for a moment as he finished.

Allison shook his head.

"I... I had to do something-my plan was already ruined by Felipe after he discovered that by accepting the trait that was removed it would undo the process-so I had planned to kill him and Katori as well, sparing only Noir as my proof to the world that the procedure is not all that is it made up to be. I couldn't let my colleagues use it to control people-I couldn't let them make a weapon out of something meant to help people. But, what I have done here is unforgivable... please forgive me."

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