Chapter 8: Felipe

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We all made our way down the hallway and back into the main room where Allison and Nori sat down eating some fruit.

Felipe looked at us with a smile.

"Hey guys. Looks like..." His smile turned into a frown, "ummm... hey, what's wrong...?"

Felipe's face became more confused.

Katori walked towards him, holding tears from falling down her eyes.

"Tell them Felipe-you're not the murderer right...?"
Felipe laughed.

"Come on, you guys are joking right...?"

Volio breathed in deeply.

"Afraid not Felipe."

Felipe looked at him in surprise.

"I'm not going to be scared by this-I can't be scared. Don't try to play mind games with me... How do we know it's not you or Wilson?"

I walked towards him.

"It can't be Volio because he was in the service only just a week ago."
I looked back at Volio as he held up the picture he had from his time in the service.

I looked back at Felipe.

"I can't give you a good reason that I am not the murderer but I will tell you this-you broke into the medical file room for a reason!"

Felipe stayed silent.

Allison stood up and walked next to me.

"Why did you break into that room?"
Felipe looked at Allison.

"Yesterday I saw you and your daughter walk out from the hall near the bathroom Katori was in. I asked you what you were doing and you said you were still wandering around and that you passed a medical file room and that perhaps we should open it. I agreed with you and then you left. I grew curious, okay, so I went and made my way down the hallway and found the door unlocked. I opened it and inside was a filing cabinet labeled medical files. I looked at it, but I didn't go in. The cabinets if I remember were open, but I didn't touch them. After that I left, but I bumped into the door and broke the inside handle... I knew that it would make me seem suspicious if I said anything about it so I kept quiet and walked the other way. I didn't go in, alright?"

Allison walked closer towards Felipe.

"You may not be able to feel fear, but I do know you can still lie."
I nodded.

"Noir saw you walk out of the room."
Felipe stayed silent for a second.

"I didn't do it."

Allison walked reached out a hand to grab Felipe.

"There isn't a way you can prove it-"
Felipe pushed Allison out of the way and grabbed me by my shirt as he flung my arm behind my back and held a small kitchen knife against my throat.

"I didn't do it... and until... no-I'll prove it! If any of you try to do anything... I will kill him."

Volio took a step towards us.

Felipe pushed the throat onto my neck.

Volio stepped back.

"This is just making you seem even more of the murderer."

Katori looked away from us as tears ran down her face.

Felipe forced me to walk backwards as we exited out into another hallway and walked backwards for a long time. We walked up a stairway.

Felipe opened a supply closet and grabbed some rope.

He quickly tied my hands behind my back.

This is why I don't trust people... you don't know what they are going to become...

"Why are you doing this...?"
Felipe shook his head.

"Fuck! Just... just fuck! The truth is... I panicked..."
"I thought you couldn't feel fear due to the pill..."
"I... I didn't take the pill this morning. Nori was going to take hers when she dropped it and it broke in pieces. So I gave her mine for the day. I could have taken another but... I decided to conserve my pills. How hard could it be-I wouldn't become scared... but then something like this happens and my Fear came out as its own person..."

"Are you really not the murderer...?"
Felipe pushed me along as he held onto the ropes on my hands.

"Of course not. Why do you think I am the murderer... aside from the whole file thing?"

"You had an internship here... you know more about this place than we do. You also know more about the procedure as well right?"
Felipe laughed.

"I did have an internship here... a long time ago. This building was run by a different group than it is now. I left a month or so before they even started the experiments on extracting facilities."
"Any proof...?"
Felipe stopped.

"No... I don't have any proof. All I can give you is my word and right now... my word probably doesn't mean much, does it...?"
My head pounded loudly.

"N-No... I want to believe you... I change my mind..."
I closed my eyes as the pain went away.

Felipe let go of my hands.

"H-Hey are you alright...?"

I nodded.

"I'm fine... but my regret may have some meaning for once. You wouldn't have a reason to care about me if you were the murderer. If you were the murderer, you wouldn't have given your pill to Nori either. Why would you have to? That wouldn't accomplish your goal any faster and it doesn't seem as if you tried to use that to gain trust with us. Also... there might be a way to prove your innocent..."

Felipe looked at me with some joy.

"T-There is...?"
I nodded.

"Security cameras. I saw them along the way here. The lights on them are still blinking meaning that they should still be functional. You were most likely caught on them exiting the medical file room. If that's true... why would you have not avoided the cameras? If you were the murderer you should have known about the cameras and that we would use them later."

Felipe smiled.

"I see... so if they are still functional, that means that I am not the murderer-! Hah! Thank you... but... how do we convince the others...?"
I sighed.

"Well, were going to have to get them to the video control room somehow..."

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