Chapter 10: Day 2

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I woke up staring at the ceiling.

I sat up and looked around.

Felipe stood near the door.

"Hey, I'm kind of nervous... but... nervous...? How can I be nervous...?"

Felipe shook his head.

"N-Never mind. Anyway, time to set our plan in action."
I nodded.

"Ok. You go out and get the others attention and then lead them back to the video room where hopefully I will have busted in and gotten the video ready. Just remember that this is going to be a longshot. If the cameras were on when you were by the medical file room then we'll prove your innocence. Just remember there's a chance that the cameras aren't going to work at all."

Felipe nodded.

"I know they will... and besides, I trust you."

I stayed silent for a moment. That's two people who have said that...

But I can't let myself get close...

I looked at Felipe and smiled.

"Better be off then."

Felipe grinned and ran outside the room.

I stood up and stretched my back.

Hopefully the tapes clear up everything and we can all go home... but that's just wishful thinking. If Felipe does turn out to be lying... I will deal with him myself.

I walked out the room and quickly made my way down the hallway.

I followed it and made a left then a right turn into a dead end section of the hallway.

There is a door at the end of the room, the words "Security Office" written in bold blue letters.

This is the place.

I tried to open the door.

The doorknob stopped as I turned it, making a clunk sound.

Guess it's locked...

I shoved my shoulder against the door.

The door slightly moved.

Guess this will work.

I slammed myself harder against the door as it swung open to reveal a lot of TV screens on the back wall, a desk underneath them. On the screens are the hallways and staircases with the date and time at the bottom right hand side.

Guess they are still working. This raises the question, 'why would the murderer not have destroyed or shut them off?'

I looked at the side of the desk to see a yellow sign.

It reads,

'To the security guard who is going to watch the security cameras this week,

Know that the cameras automatically send the footage over the course of two days after Monday of each week to the corresponding security building off the site for safety reasons. The footage is automatically erased after 5 P.M from the computers here to ensure it is not leaked. Don't be alarmed, and if something happens contact the main security building.'

I looked at the clock on the screens.

Its four thirty...

So... thirty minutes until the footage is erased. Today's Wednesday... I better look back on Monday to see who the murderer is...

I quickly made my way to the computer and opened up the footage files.

I scrolled down a long list and found a file labeled,

'Security files-Monday'.

I clicked on it as a popup came onto the screen.

'This footage was erased Monday at 9:30 PM.'

So... the murderer erased the footage from Monday to prevent themselves from being caught...

I better do what I came here to do then.

I looked back through he files and found yesterday's files.

I looked for the camera looking over the medical file room and clicked on that folder.

I proceeded to click play all above the list of the hourly intersections the camera split the footage into.

I looked up at the TV screens to see them playing the footage.

The camera is at an intersection looking down the hallway, and also showing another door to a room on the same side as the Medical file room on the wall around the corner from it.

I clicked on fast forward.

A large crashing sound came from behind me.

I turned around to see everyone else piled over Felipe, except for Nori, Noir and Katori who stood on the side.

They stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

Felipe smiled from under Volio's knee.

"Looks like the footage is still there..."

I looked back at the screen to see Allison and Nori walking into view in a fast pace.

The video played top fast so I stopped it and re-winded it to the point Allison and Nori entered the hallway.

As I hit play Allison and Nori walked to the door on the corner of the Medical file room.

Allison looked around and opened the door.

"Hey, it's open... maybe there is something inside."
Nori nodded.

They walked in for a while before they walked out again.

They continued down the hallway past the Medical file room.

As they reached the end they met with Felipe as he talked to them.

After they left Felipe walked down the hallway and looked at the Medical file room.

"I wonder..."

He opened the door and stepped behind it, but didn't go into the room.

"Huh... I didn't think it would be. Ah well... better be going-"
He turned around and hit his hand on the door handle as the door swung further back.

At the back of the hallway Noir looked at Felipe for a moment but then continued to walk down the hallway.

Felipe held onto his hand.

"Damn it... I have better shut this door before someone gets the wrong Idea..."

He shut the door and left.

We all stayed silent.

"So... Felipe did tell the truth."

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