Chapter 7: Day 1

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I felt a nudge on my shoulder.

I opened my eyes slowly to reveal Volio as he stared at me.

"Hey, sorry to wake you. Everyone is out looking for clues though, so we have better take the time to do the same. Allison mentioned some file room that might be worth looking into. Everyone already took their pills for the day as well, so no worry about the doubles... well, except yours."

I stood up from against the wall as my head ached.

"I really shouldn't... have slept there..."
I shook my head a little violently.

"He's such a crybaby..."

Volio looked at me with concern.

"Your other side is starting to come out more often... you have better be careful. We don't want him to take over..."
"I won't let him... don't worry..."

Volio started to walk off towards the hallway.

I caught him by the shoulder.

"Hold up..."
Volio looked back at me.

"What is it...?"
I explained to him what happened last night, and what Allison and I talked about. His face grew a little dim as he listened.

"I see... so Felipe was found in the medical file room? That sounds a little strange... considering Allison and his daughter were the only ones to find him... and where was Katori then...?"

That's right, Katori and Felipe went together to find food...

"Were going to have to ask them then..."
Volio crossed his arms.

"Seems like it... after all, Felipe is the second most likely suspect. He didn't seem to react to the papers missing from his pocket this morning... but... hmmmm..."

"Well, we could go to the file room ourselves... after all, it would have to have been broken into right?"
Volio nodded his head.

"Right. Ok then, let's go there before anyone else does... by now whatever evidence happened there could be covered up."

Volio and I walked quickly down the hallway and made a few turns into a large hallway. Halfway down the hallway we came to an opened door. The words 'Medical File Room #1' above the doorframe in yellow letters.

The door looks busted, the door handle broken on the inside... that's weird...

Volio looked at the door handle closely.

"This is weird... it's only busted on the inside of the door... why would it be like that...? Unless..."
Volio looked at me.

"The door was opened before the handle was broken."
That makes sense... after all, why would the inside handle be broken, and not the outside?

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Now we need to narrow down who was here-"

Down a T intersection of the hallway ahead of us came some noise.

"Damn it Felipe! Where did you go this time-?!"
Katori turned the corner and looked at us in surprise.

"H-Hey... did you guys bust open that door...?"

Volio looked at her strangely.

"Say that again...?"
Katori looked at him a little confused.

She started to grab onto her shirt.

"D-Did you guys bust open that door...?"
Volio shook his head.

"No. Before that-while you were walking down the hall..."
Katori narrowed her eyes slightly, but let go of her shirt.

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