Chapter 6: A Restless Night

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Volio and I returned to find everyone had fell asleep in the large room. Katori is laying on Felipe's lap, Allison is sleeping against the wall with his daughter Nori, and Noir is sleeping on the floor.

Volio nudged my shoulder and quietly whispered,

"Well, we best get to sleep too..."

I nodded my head.

Volio made his way and laid against the wall at the other end of the room.

Quickly he fell asleep.

I should try to get some rest... it's been a long day.

I made my way to the left wall and laid against it to sleep.

I closed my eyes and tried to lull myself to sleep.

A long time past as I held my eyes closed...

I can't sleep...

My eyes opened as I looked at Allison.

Perhaps I should... no I will.

I silently stood up and made my way to Allison.

He's sleeping soundly...

My head started to pound again.

"I... I shouldn't do this... it's..."
I shook my head.

He's getting annoying... my regret...

I reached into Allison's back pocket as slowly as I could and grabbed the crumbled paper from earlier.

I pulled it out as carefully as I could manage with as little sound as possible, and backed away with it in my hands.

"That was easy..."

I opened up the crumbled paper to reveal a newspaper article.

On the top is the headline "local woman killed-father and daughter are left behind".


I started to read the article;

'Yesterday evening a young woman was killed in a fire alongside her eight year old son, four year old nephew and fifty year old step-mother at a local medical facility. She was found alongside the others burned to death outside the facility. The woman's husband Allison M. Grand and daughter Nori were soon told the news and broke down in tears. The facility-'

The paper is torn, the article cut off.

So, that's why Allison didn't want to share this. It was an article of his families' death... but why would he have to hide it? And why is it here in this facility? Also... why is it cut off?

It shouldn't be cut off...

"I knew one of you would grow curious enough to steal it..."

I froze in my place.

I looked at Allison staring at me from his seat next to Nori.

My head started to pound again as my mouth opened on its own.

"T-This isn't wat it looks like Allison-I-"

I held onto my head.

Why don't you go away!

"Whoa, whoa... it's ok Leo..."
I looked at Allison.

"My names not Leo... and I was just curious-anyone would be in this situation after seeing you hide it."

Allison sighed.

"True. Sorry I hid it from you. You should really be careful though... if your other personality comes out too much you're going to end up surrendering yourself to them and cease to exist."

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