Chapter 11: What now?

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We all stared at each other awkwardly.

Volio and Allison stood off of Felipe and let him get up again.

"I got here just in the nick of time..."
Volio ran his hand across the back of his neck.

"Sorry Felipe. I may have jumped the gun there."

Allison nodded.

"I may have as well... please forgive us. I think I may have exaggerated my claims when I discussed your innocence with Wilson... though I just want to go home. Please forgive me for this."

Felipe sighed.

"Don't worry... were all just paranoid. But now we know I can't be the murderer..."

Katori ran up to Felipe and hugged him tightly.

"I knew it! I knew you couldn't be the murderer... I'm sorry... please forgive me... I didn't want to accuse you..."

Felipe held his arms around Katori.
"It's ok Katori, its okay..."

I spoke up,

"So what now...? We've gone through everyone... here, which means that..."
Allison looked at the monitor.

"Your right... one of our doubles must be the murderer."
The others looked at us.

Volio sighed.

"So, were going to have to let the others out..."
Nori looked at Allison.

"Papa... I don't want the other me to come out..."
Allison knelt next to Nori.

"It's ok, Nori... we won't let yours out. Only the peoples whose double was capable of killing-and as we've ruled out, you couldn't be the murderer."

Nori nodded.

"Ok, papa..."
Hmmm... Allison couldn't be the murderer... could he?

If he isn't... that leaves Volio's double and...

I looked at Noir.

If her other side-her emotions were angry, would that allow her to kill an entire facility worth of people?

What if her emotional side is unstable...?

That could explain partially how she did it... but not why.

Volio's double on the other hand could have known how to set up this situation from previous knowledge-yet Volio and by extension his double would hardly have known anything about this place if the doubles have the originals memories.

So... Noir is the one we have to be watchful of.

Felipe looked around the room uneasily.

"So... no one take their pill tomorrow, except Nori, Allison, Katori and I. That way we can keep our list of suspects to a minimum."
I nodded.

"That should work... and we can prove that they are or are not the murderers."
Allison looked at Nori.

"Let's get something to eat... it should calm us down and we can decide better what we are going to do."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Allison smiled and held onto Nori's hand.

"Alright, let's go everyone..."

Allison and Nori walked out of the room followed by Felipe and Katori.

Volio stayed at the door and looked at me.

"Seems we can't get a break, can we?"
"I guess not..."
Volio smiled.

"Don't be long... I'll see you back at camp."
I nodded.

My head pounded a little.

This isn't good...

I shouldn't be making friends...

I should have-

I shook my head.

So, the other me is trying to take over already...

I can't let him... not now or any time soon at least...

I looked at Noir who stayed silent next to me.

"Is something wrong...?"
She sounds like a robot...

Noir nodded.

"Shall we return to meet with the others...?"
"Yes, let's go..."
Noir walked out of the room ahead of me.

I wonder... does she have her memories...?

I'm pretty sure emotion is heavily dependent on memories...

I walked out of the room and caught up to her.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"
Noir stayed silent.

"I cannot decide if or if not."
That's right...

"Ok then... do you have your memories...?"
Noir looked at me with her lifeless gaze... but it seems even worse now...

"Yes. I have what are called memories, but I cannot determine what they are. I only know what I did up to this point and in what order. I cannot remember in great detail either."

"Why did you come here then?"
Noir stayed silent for a moment.

"I came due to..."

Noirs head fell to her shoulder.

"I came due to... I came due to... I came due to... I came due to..."
She's just repeating herself...

It's probably because that memory has some sort of emotion behind it...

And she can't express emotion.

"It's ok, you may stop."

Noir raised her head again.

"Very well."
I continued to walk down the hallway.

I looked at Noir as she stood behind me.

"Let's go..."

Noir nodded and followed closely behind me.

This is frustrating.

Who is the murder...?


Volio, Allison, Nori, Felipe, Noir and I have a reason why we aren't the murderer.

The only one left is Katori, but even that doesn't make sense...

I doubt she would put Felipe in any danger... especially if it meant him being erased.

Same excuse as Allison having his daughter here.

If the doubles end up not being the murderer either... then who exactly is...?

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