Chapter 5: Bonds

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Volio and I walked back to the large room to meet the others sitting around. We managed to get some food, the majority of which is canned, some fruit and a loaf of bread. The fridge was locked tightly so we couldn't open it, and we had to find what he have in the cabinets.

We laid out the food in the middle of everyone and sat down.

Allison looked at the food we gathered with a smile.

"Well, it looks like you two got us plenty. Thank you... but..."
He picked up a can of beans.

"How exactly do we cook this...?"
Nori pulled on Allison's shirt a little.

"I'm hungry..."
Allison patted her on the head.

"It's ok, Nori. We'll get food ready now in a few, ok...?"
Nori nodded.

Felipe grabbed an apple from the pile and handed it to Nori.

Nori grabbed the apple a little hesitantly.

She looked at it for a moment before biting into it.

Katori patted Felipe on the back.

"Ha! I knew you had a soft spot!"

Felipe rolled his eyes.

"Of course I do..."

Noir picked up an orange and an apple.

"What do I eat...?"
Everyone stared at her uneasily.

I pointed at the apple.

"I guess the apple..."
Noir put down the orange and bit into the apple.

Volio nudged me a little bit.

I looked at him as he started to whisper.

"Hey, look at that."
I responded as quietly as I could.

"At what...?"

Volio nodded towards a piece of paper on the floor, under all of the food. Near the top it has the name...


I reached for the paper, but Allison grabbed it.

"N-No need to worry about this... its simply some parchment Nori and I found while looking for food."

Allison looks worried... hmmm.... Something is strange about this.

"It's fine..."

Allison crumbled up the paper and put it into his back pocket.

Katori and Felipe looked at Allison for a moment before looking back on the food.

Volio stood up and started to walk towards the end of the room.

"I'm not hungry right now... I just want to go for a walk..."
I stood up after him.

I caught up to him as he almost left the room.

I kept my voice quiet.

"Hey, what's wrong...?"
Volio sighed.

"Its... there's no need in hiding anything is there? Alright, I'll tell you. I was in this kind of situation once before, though I guess it was on a more personal scale..."
he looked past my shoulder and at the others.

"Let's continue this in private... we've already made ourselves suspicious as it is."


I looked at the others as they stared at us.

"I'm going to walk with Volio for a while, we'll be back."

Allison nodded.

Volio and I walked out of the room and made our way down the same hallway as earlier.

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