Author's Notes

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Authors Notes:

We all have a past and we all will feel things we would much rather not. Such as loss, anger, fear, and even despair. Though for each person it is different. Still the fact remains things will and have happened that affect people for the worse or the better. What I want to tell you is, don't run away from your feelings and especially not you're past. As strange as it sounds it will catch up to you even if you don't notice it. Unless you truly accept what happened or accept your feelings nothing will ever get better. If you do not want to accept it-you are only living in denial and that will eat away at you to the day you die. You won't be able to move on with your life unless you allow it to move. By running away from the past you aren't making it go away-you're only making time stop for you so that it can catch up and ruin your life. Though, perhaps this is a bit extreme, no? After all, why should you take this to heart? Well, I will tell you this. We may not always listen to the advice given to us and take it to heart but that doesn't mean we should ignore it either, does it? We should always listen to what others say and allow them to help if you truly need it-and at least keep it in mind because maybe if ever, one day you may actually find that the advice given one time will actually be useful. Up to you, we all have the power to decide our own faith. So with this, I leave you. Don't run away from your feelings or from your past-it will only cause more strife than good. Accept it and move on. There is too much in this world for you to be hung up on one part of a whole life.

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