Chapter 2: Pills

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Everyone stared anxiously at each other. Towards the back of the group a man about my age wearing a purple sweater and black pants stood. He has long black hair that covers his face, dark green eyes, and is a little taller than I am. Standing next to him is a younger looking kid who has light blue eyes, bright yellow hair and is wearing a green T-shirt and blue jeans. Off to the side of the group is a girl about my size wearing a zipped up black jacket and grey skirt. Next to her is another girl about my age that has reddish hair, and dark blue eyes. She is wearing an orange jacket, a white and yellow striped shirt underneath and blue shorts. In the middle of the group is the man who just talked to me. He is taller than me, and looks older than me too, with light green eyes and brown hair. He is wearing a light green shirt and camo pants. His large and defined muscles visible from behind his cloths.

Hiding behind him is another girl that's considerably smaller than him and looks a lot younger than everyone else. She has long black hair and blue eyes, and is wearing a black dress.

The older man looked at me.

"So... what's your name?"
"Me...? My names Wilson."

The man looked at me suspiciously.

"My name is Allison. The others will tell you theirs shortly. But before that... where are the other nine of us?"
"I don't know..."
Allison looked at the others.

"It seems that something is going on and were part of it. For now... we should stay together."
The man wearing the purple sweater shook his head.

"No... we shouldn't. Didn't you hear the person over the intercom? Someone among us is a murderer. Were in a game. How do we know that the other is not a murderer?"
Everyone looked around the room at each other again.

The young girl behind Allison held tightly onto his arm.

"W-What do they mean papa?"

Papa? So she's his daughter...?

Allison looked at her and knelt down next to her.

"It's nothing Nori... just stay by papa okay?"
Nori shook her head.

Allison stood back up again and looked at the others.

"We can't split up... if we did, the murderer-if there is one, would simply kill us off one by one. If we stay together, that person won't be able to kill us because we aren't alone."

The man wearing the purple vest suddenly held onto his head with his hands.

The young kid next to him looked at him worriedly.

"H-Hey are you alright Volio...?"

Volio let go of his head.

"NO! I am not alright!"

The young kid backed away from him.

Allison walked towards him.

"Volio, there's no need to get angry..."

Volio looked at Allison with a snarl.

"All I am is anger... they were supposed to get rid of it... but-no I still have it! Gah... I...?"

Volio staggered forward a little as he held onto his head.

"I-I'm sorry I lost myself there... I didn't mean to say that... sorry...?"

We all looked at Volio in confusion. His demeanor changed in a span of a few seconds...

I walked closer towards the group.

As I moved I felt something in my pocket.

I reached into my pocket to feel a box like object.

I don't remember this being there...

I pulled it out and looked at it.

It's a recorder...

How long have I had this...? How come I didn't feel it earlier...?

I pressed the play button.

A muffled voice came into earshot.

"Hello! Anyone hear me? Of course you do-or else this wouldn't be playing. How silly of me... It seems that you found my little gift, Wilson-or should I say Leo."
W-What...? My names not Leo... I changed that a long time ago...


Everyone looked at me, and the recorder in my hand as it continued.

"You have probably realized by now that there are only seven of you here. Now... I know you all must be thinking that there are more of you here, but, I'm afraid that's not exactly true. I will also guess that by now, you have noticed personality changes amongst yourselves. Well, I will tell you both of these topics are inter-related. You see, the experiments were a success! So that is quite the plus for all of you. All of you had a part of yourselves removed... but like previous tests, you all are going to exhibit the same unique... erm... symptom, from the experiment. You see, that part that you removed from yourselves, it's not truly gone. Pieces of a person don't so easily go away-no the brain doesn't like change. So, it will have made another personality-another version of yourself except with the part removed being their core. Every one of you has another person living in the same body as you-and when faced with a situation of which that trait you threw away would be experienced, your double will take your place. It's really disastrous to the experiment you see... so there are exactly thirty-five pills within a pocket in this recorder. These pills will prevent your double from taking over for exactly twenty four hours. There is enough for each of you to last a week-or at least a work week. Five for each. However... I must warn you. If you do not succeed in getting out of this facility within a week after your pills run out-your doubles will take over your bodies permanently. That is the murderers true goal you see... he won't just simply kill you-he will make you cease to exist and allow your doubles to live your lives for you. Oh... and just one more thing. Leo, throw away your pills. That was the only reason I put them in there-so I could watch you throw them away. If you don't, let's just say I can't very well account for your health. I am the murderer after all-and the key to getting you out of here to find more pills. There is plenty of food and water for you all, so no need to worry about that-all you have to do is find it. Well, if you catch me, I'm sure we'll talk again."
The recorder stopped playing and everyone stood in silence.

So... we all have multiple personalities...

And one of us wants to erase the others...

But who...? A double or the original...?

Allison held onto his daughter as she put her face into his side.

Volio looked at me suspiciously.

I looked at the recorder and pulled open the back of it as if from reflex to reveal a box full of blue pills.

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