Chapter 4: Accusations

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Volio and I walked through the hallway a while until we were far from where we entered from.

Volio looked back at the room, then at me.

"Look... lets discuss something."


Volio looked back down the hallway in paranoia, before returning his gaze back at me.

"I don't think you're the murderer. The murderer targeted you specifically, which is a little strange. Perhaps to implicate you."

To implicate me...?


"Simple, by making it seem as if you were the most suspicious. Why would the murderer simply target one specific person-meaning you- so openly? That would only put more suspicion onto you... but then again, I have my doubts."
I don't know how to respond to him...

I don't even know if I can trust him.

"How can I trust you? It's not like I don't have my own doubts."

Volio nodded.

"Your right... but all I ask is that you listen to me at least."

I clenched my fist.

"I'll listen..."

Volio looked around again for a moment.

"Alright... the most suspicious person is Allison."

Volio nodded.

"He has a set alibi for his daughter, whom he tried to use as an alibi for himself. Alongside that, he has essentially taken lead of the group. If he's the murderer, wouldn't it make sense that he would do that? Since he is in charge, he could redirect suspicion at someone else much easier, and he would least likely be a target for suspicion because he has some authority and is acting like he wants to lead us out of here."
That does make sense... but I can't simply put the blame on someone over speculation...

"What you're implying does make sense, but what about the others...?"

"Well, Felipe, I have to admit I'm unsure about. Katori couldn't be the murderer either. She's female. The voice on the recorder was muffled, but I am still fairly certain it was a male voice, not a female."
"Hmmm... I don't know whether I can trust you or not, but I will help you find evidence."
Volio looked at me for a long pause.

"It seems regret-your other self-didn't come out. Seems like you passed that one... alright, first lets go over what the murderer needs to have known in order to pull this off."

He was testing me...

If I my regret came out after I agreed to help him, it would mean that I was unsure about helping him find evidence, or that I believed he is the murderer. Looks like he has a lie detector on me, that's probably why he chose to ask me for help instead of the others...

"Ok. Let's make our way to the food court as we talk ten, that way we can get what we left for."

Volio nodded as he continued to walk down the hallway.

I caught up to him and walked alongside him.

Volio looked around the hallway.

"The murderer has to have known at least two things. They would have to know who we are and about how the experiment works."

That's right... the murderer knew about the condition made by the procedure... and about the pills. They would also have to have known about us beforehand because we all took the procedure.
"I see... but who fits that description?"
We walked into a large section of the facility, large windows barred by metal covers on the outside to the left of the room. A large number of tables and a fenced off kitchen towards the back of the space. The only light coming from the faint glow of the emergency lights above us.

Volio breathed in heavily.

"I never thought I'd end up in a situation like this, not again. Regardless, I still believe its Allison. He seemed to know who we were and took the idea that the procedure split our personalities pretty well. He was the only calm one. That to me is suspicious.... But I know there's more proof. He's hiding something, I just know it."

"Well, if he is... we had better find out what it is."

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