Chapter 16: Murder

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I woke up lying on the floor.

I am... where am I...?

I sat up and looked around, my vision blurry but slowly returning to normal.

My head hurts...

What was I doing...?

That's right... me and...-


"Hey! Volio...? Where are you?"

I stood up in distress and looked around the empty file room...

Someone hit me over the head...

I ran out of the room to see Volio tied leg first onto the railing of the barrier in the square room as he hangs unconscious above the first floor.

Noir stood there, a blindfold over her eyes as she holds a knife to the rope.


What are you...

"Noir... what are you doing...?"
Noir looked at me with her lifeless eyes.

"A man in a very unusual voice told me to put on this blindfold and hold this knife here..."

"Noir... please... step away..."

Noir cut the rope.

Volio fell onto the ground- and laid on his back-a loud cracking sound.

I stood frozen.



Noir stared at me.

"The man said if you tried to tell me not to cut it to cut it and if you tried to grab the knife to cut it... and if you said stop, to cut it... and if you said..."

Noir continued talking... but her voice drifted over me.

I looked down to the second floor to see Felipe and Katori run to Volio from across the room as they came in.

I felt my hands squeeze as they were grabbed and pulled behind my back.

I squirmed to get free.

I looked behind my shoulder to see Allison.

"So... my fears were right... it was you... or rather... you're double..."

I shook my head.

"No! It isn't me-"

Allison strong-armed me down the hallway and the stairs and back into the square room as I tried to escape his grasp.

Its Allison...

I know it is.

But... how do I prove it?

Noir followed us as Allison instructed her to do so.

As we came into the square room I saw Katori and Felipe over Volio, a med-kit by their side.

Katori looked at us.

"Volios fine... though he's lost consciousness... his... well his back was injured though nothing too major... I hope."
Felipe stood up.

"Hey... why are you holding onto Wilson?"

Allison shook his head.

"He's the murderer."

I shook my head.

"I am not!"

Felipe stepped forward.

Allison pulled me back.

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