Drastic actions

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Lauren woke up feeling a weight on her chest, and looked down to see her daughters peaceful sleeping face . Athena was curled into her mother, as Camila's armed wrapped around Lauren and managed to grip their daughters arm, as if she could sense her presence. Lauren sighed as she stared at her daughters sleeping face. She caught her self wishing for a better life than she could give her, and then caught herself, realizing if that happened, she may not have most of the women in her life. She couldn't be that selfish. She loved them all... They were family. As dysfunctional as they all were in a way, they fit.

Lauren started to think of their situation. Thoughts of betrayal ran through her mind, and it made her angry. Things were starting, of that she was sure. But how did they know to attack now? Why attack now?

The urge to get to Bea was climbing, and Lauren knew something was wrong. Her gut was telling her so, and she always listened.

As if in tuned with her thoughts there was a loud piercing scream, waking up every sleeping body in the cave like room.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!" Screamed Demi shooting out of her wife and daughters arms, as sweat ran down her face, and her eye's were wide and wild.

Lauren shot out of her place with her girls, and ran towards Demi's side, as the others woke up panicked, and searching for the source of the scream.

"Mom!" cried Gina in fear trying to reach out to her mother in order to calm her.

"Ally stop her! Don't let her touch her!" Lauren shouted quickly, causing Ally to panic and grab her daughter in fear, preventing her anywhere near Demi.

Demi panted as her screaming finally stopped and her eyes searched the room, finally landing on Lauren's.

"Lo. You have to see." Demi breathed shakily.

Lauren held her hands out, palms out and waited for Demi to show her everything she needed to see.

Demi's shaky hands, clasped Lauren's, causing both their eyes to close, and Lauren's face to contort in pain. Gold light swirled around them, and Lauren screamed in agony.

"Demi stop!" Shouted Athena angrily.

"No! She has to see! It's emotional pain not physical!" Demi voiced growing angry.

The gold light died away, and Lauren eyes shot open as her shouts stopped, and tears ran down her face. She grabbed Demi roughly and shouted,"Was it a vision of the past or future!?"

"The future! Which will be the past in about an hour!" Demi yelled back pushing Lauren back roughly.

Lauren stood up looking at her family's scared faces and said, You will all stay here. Me, Athena, Gina and Ally, will be going to get Bea. We can't go together or it will be too late."

Lauren helped Demi up, and turned to her daughter and niece and said,"We leave now. Do everything I say, and when I tell you to leave, do so. Do not disobey me Athena and Gina. Do you understand?"

The nodded their heads quickly showing they understood, and Camila looked at Lauren nervously.

"Why do you need to take them Lo?" She asked worried.

"Because we need everyone that can fly. I need you to call Marissa if you can and have her send help. Please. Send help." Lauren said rushing towards the tunnel entrance, with Athena and Ally.

"Mila open the tunnel when I say!" Shouted Demi following the girls.

Camila rushed to the dirt wall, and placed her hands on the soft surface, closing her eyes in anticipation, once hearing the "NOW" from Demi, she used her power to assist Lauren in moving the covering over their hide out, and once they were safely outside, put it back.

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