That bitch is mine

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Camila raced throught the training yard, having got her daughters page, pushing many out of her path in a desperate panic. She felt the many members of her family running along side her, panic surrounding them as they remembered the urgency Athena had spoken of.

They entered the communications room, where otheres had hurriedly gathered, all taking in the Golden teen infront of them nervously.

Athena and Sofie stood next to the teen in almost a protective way, making Camila narrow her eyes.

"Everyone take a seat, it seems we have a message from Lauren." Demi ordered, sitting next to Athena worried.

Camila snapped her attention to the teen and said,"How is she? Is she okay?"

Raquel looked at the woman across from her and knew that this was Lauren's wife.

"She doesn't have long. She wont last the month. If you have any plans of defeating Maya and Ariana, it has to be soon." Raquel answered quietly.

"What do you mean she wont last long? We had six months! She was supposed to last six months!" Camila urged panicking.

"Camila calm down so we can figure out what to do." Demi urged before turning to Raquel and asking,"How do you know Lauren, and why are you here?"

"I am Lauren's cell guard. I have been since the first moment she stepped onto our compound. I have kept her alive, but she is growing weaker because of the torture they have been inflicting on her. She has already stopped healing, and she wont last anymore. Today Maya has figured out that Lauren had injected some kind of poison to make her useless as a weapon. The only hope Maya has now is finding the cure before Lauren dies." Raquel answered anxiously.

"But only we have the cure." Camila whispered horrified.

Raquel nodded sadly and said,"She is torturing her now for the information for your bases. This was the only shot I had to warn you. Lauren is strong and wont give it up. Her love for you is what pushes her to withold the information, but there's no way she'll survive if they keep at it trying to wear her down."

Camila's hands shook as Athena's did. Raquel looked around the room and saw many in tears, while others held looks of rage.

"Why are you helping Lauren?" Demanded Demi, making every eye focus on Raquel.

Raquel blinked back the tears that wanted to be shed and said,"I didn't believe that you all were actually good because I didn't believe good exhisted. If you had seen what I have you would understand. Love and family is a concept so foreign its almost inconcievable to me. Well.... it was inconcievable to me. I've watched Lauren endure horrors, protecting those she loves. I've seen her whisper her wifes name in her sleep. I've watched as she laughed in Maya and Ariana's face as she damned her own life, with the satisfaction that everyone she loved was safe. Lauren has shown me love. She tried to shield me from the horrors she endured because she believed that someone as young as me shouldn't be exposed to such evil. Even when she knew I had no choice but to guard her, she never damned me. She understood I had no other choice, and she forgave me for anything I had to do to her in the future."

"She begged me to run far away so I wouldn't have to hear her screams. She didn't want her pain on my conscious. But I heard, I heard them all, and I need her to not die. She's my only real friend. So I need you to do whatever you have to soon, because she wont last." Choked out Raquel, crying quietly.

The room was filled with sniffles and choked sobs as they cried for the woman they
loved. The woman that had sacrifice herself just so they could have a chance.

Demi did not allow herself the indulgence to cry, she choked on tears and said,"Lauren gave us a list of bases before she surrendered herself. If you can narrow down which one she is at, we can plan to get her out and end this. Any information you can get would help in a big way."

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