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Once word spread around the underground facility that Addison had successfully been turned into a powerful elemental, the many including Sofies teams of teen elementals were excited at the prospect to have a opportunity like she was gifted. They were however told, only those who were picked by the two Guardians would be chosen, they quickly stopped begging for the change.

For the next few weeks, Lauren bled daily, the only sleep she ever got was when she was weak from the tranfusions. Demi and Sofie had both pleaded with their leader to get more rest, but she refused. She used every moment of her free time to search out the enemy, compiling a list of locations and numbers without their knowledge.

They didn't know, but the growing numbers and resources had genuinely worried her, and she knew deep down the decision to give herself up was in fact the only way. Lauren and Camila barely had spoken, and only when it regarded training or their daughter. As a matter of fact, Lauren spoke no more than casual input to anyone but Demi, Sofie, Simon and Marissa.

Now that they had successfully had figured out a way to make their own silver army, they decided no more than twenty people should have such a gift. Their daughters, their daughters teams, and the five along with a few others were decided on, and many of them were nervous along with excited by the prospect.

Addison had taken to her new powers beautifully, and had been added at Athena's request to Gina's team. As much as she wanted her with her, something told her that Alex was meant to be her second in comand for a reason, and didn't want that to change. Besides, until the girls were ready for the change, Addison would be a great advantage to the air users team.

Bea who had been happy for her daughters change, was doing her part in bringing in reinforcements. Moral was high with the new additions coming in by the dozens, and training was kicking up everyday. The girls teams were improving every session, but Lauren knew it wasn't enough, not for what she had seen.

It was currently the end of the first month, and Lauren had gathered the teams and leaders into a room, so she could explain what they were going to expect.

They room was filled with elementals along with her family, and were all looking up at her anxiously as she stood by a covered board.

"I've been doing some recon, and have recorded the numbers we can expect. Maia and Ariana have done their recruiting well. They have us three to one right now. Some of our Ep's have defected, and they are even using at least twenty thousand humans at their bases. They have done all this within the US right under our noses this time, since Europe has been carefully monitored since the Generals invasion almost nineteen years ago. I'm sorry to say, this is my failing. I allowed myself to be distracted by domestic life and have failed in the protection of this country. I will do my part to fix this, but that is not for some time yet." Lauren announced in a strained voice.

She ignored her wife and friends apologetic faces, and lifted the covering on the board making them all gasp.

On the board was a map of the US, with at least twenty camps marked as bases.They were spread out around the country, and one was in Washington itself.

"The president is aware of the threat, and is already working along side Selena and Jade to sort through their most loyal, securing them in a safe location for the time being. I've spoken to Jade and Selena, along with others and the only chance we have is to attack on all fronts. This will mean separating teams. Demi and Sofie will be assigning the teams and their missions. When the changes are taken place, my daughter Athena will be training the people chosen, because she has the most experience with this assortment of powers. Are there any questions?" asked Lauren looking around the room.

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