What have you done?

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Athena groaned loudly, feeling her body ache in a way it never had before. Blinking her eyes open, the blurry room of the RV came into focus, and she looked around the room, seeing multiple bodies asleep around her.

Her cousin Gina was sleeping next to her, and on the small bed above the door, Megan and Krista cuddled together, still close enough for them to watch over her.

She smiled at the girls who were her family, and felt a warm sensation in her chest she had never really noticed. Appreciation.

She had grown so used to having them around, and had wanted to experience the world so much, she had failed to appreciate the strong bond they had. They loved her, and would do anything for her. She couldn't ask for better people to surround herself with, and she realized she didn't really need anyone else.

She also realized something else...She was not going to be seen as a child anymore.

She understood what was at stake now, and she was going to fight harder. Standing up determined, she quietly left the room, and made her way to the front of RV.

Pulling the door open, she was met with exhausted faces of her Aunts and mother.

Camila who had been curled next to her sister, looked up at the movement in the back with puffy eyes, and once seeing her daughter walk out of the room, she jumped up, and launched herself at her in a tight embrace.

"You scared me so so much." Whispered Camila tearfully, holding her daughter close.

Athena smiled, and hugged her mother tightly, breathing the scent of home deeply, and feeling all the tension inside her slip away.

"I'm sorry mom. But I did what I had to." Athena whispered, to Camila's surprise.

Pulling away from her daughter, Camila looked at her face, and saw the innocence she once loved in her daughters eyes gone, and she felt a small piece of her die with it.

"Are you okay Athena?" asked Camila cautiously.

"I'm not sure. By body aches, but I'm not tired. If anything, I feel more alive, like I could do anything." Athena explained taking a seat at the table in the kitchen next to Ally.

On the couch, was The Millers huddled together, watching her with smiles, and relief at seeing her okay.

Camila turned towards Sofie confused, and asked,"What is happening? Is she still hurt?"

Sofie eyed her niece wearing a knowing smile, and said,"Can you make a electric ball for me?"

Athena looked at her aunt curiously, and did as she asked, but when she did, her body buzzed with energy, and the small ball sizzled with more power than it ever had before amazing the room.

"What does it mean?" asked Maggie confused.

Sofie looked at Athena proudly and said,"She's matured. Her soarness is growing pains, and her powers are reaching their peak. She'll be as powerful as Lo soon. Though her power over the earth will be greater than ever, because of Mila."

"But how? She's too young!" exclaimed Camila in frustration.

"She's been through a lot recently Mila, and her body now understands she needs them more now then ever. She's been training her whole life, which is good, but the stress, and amount her body had been through recently has pushed her into adult hood faster." Sofie explained to her sister sadly, knowing she wasn't going to take this well.

"Why is this a bad thing?" asked Athena defensively.

"Your seventeen Athena! Your still a child! I didn't want this to happen until you had aged more, you'll be seen as a bigger target, like your mom!" Camila exclaimed angrily.

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