Painful goodbyes

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Camila should have been suspicious because of all the sympathetic and guilty looks being given to her, but she was oblivious to them all. All she could focus on was her wife holding her as they laid on the couch watching a movie with their whole family present. They were all together, spending time with each other, as if all the awkward moments in the past month had never happened.

Ally however, sensed something very wrong, and the look on her wife's face only confirmed that something was not right.

Demi looked sick. She looked as if every second was paining her and as much as she tried to hide it from the family, she could not hide it from Ally. What tipped the air user off was not only Demi's eyes, but the tears that the others were fiercely trying to hide. But the biggest give away, was Athena.

Since breaking the bond with her parents, she had been fiercely independent, almost demanding respect. But she was currently on the other side of Lauren, clinging to her as if she would never see her again. Gina and the girls were looking at their cousin as if she had lost her mind, but trusted her saying nothing.

When the movie ended, Dinah asked what movie was next, when Lauren said,"How about we just hang out? It's been a while since we all talked, besides I'm sure now that the kids have been through training, they'll be more interested to hear some of our stories."

"I would!" Exclaimed Krista excitedly.

The other teens nodded in agreement, rushing to their parents side, eager for them to start.

"Start at the beginning." said Athena quietly.

Lauren kissed her daughters forehead, leaning back holding her family close as she started,"I was sitting in the park, sitting under this tree.... It was my favorite spot. Back then, I would dream about what it would be like to have a family like the one we gave you girls."

Lauren's eyes met Demi's, and she said,"So I was there, alone like always, daydreaming about things I couldn't change, and honestly hating myself for how different I was, when some crazy redhead just sat next to me like her presence was some normal thing in my life."

The room filled with chuckles, and Gina asked,"What did you think of mom when you met her?"

Lauren gave the teen a small smile and said,"I didn't look at her at first, because I assumed it was another gross guy trying to hit on me, I figured if I ignored him he'd get the hint and go away. But then I smelled roses, and there was this calm feeling coming from the person sitting next to me. When I looked up at her, all I could think was how beautiful she was, dressed like a bad ass with her fiery red hair."

The two best friends eyes met, and both eye's filled when she started to express their first meeting to the room.

"Our introduction started out rocky, mainly because I wasn't used to talking to people much, but she was very straight forward about everything. She explained the death of my parents, and the generals part in it. She told me I was meant to lead four girls and that she was my Guardian. I don't know what made me trust her, but I did. When she told me my training would help save the four girls, something inside me knew I had to follow Demi to where ever she told me to go. I felt this crazy protectiveness for strangers I had never met before, and after talking a while longer, we left. We went to my crappy apartment, and got what I could before leaving everything in my old life behind. Normani was the first we saved." Lauren continued smiling as she turned her gaze to the blushing dark skinned woman.

"Saved?" asked Krista curiously.

Normani laughed nodding her head and explained,"I was being chased by the Generals goons, somewhere in the warehouse district in Texas, when two riders on bikes came right towards me. I thought I was done for, especially when one threw a fire ball that looked like it was coming straight for me, only to take out the goon about to kill me. Once they knocked out both goons, Demi introduced them and basically told me to trust them. I still don't know why I did exactly... only that I did trust them right from the get go. I hopped on their bikes and never looked back."

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