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Camila closed Laurens door quietly behind her. She took a moment to collect herself from the hours of emotional exhaustion that she could feel creeping up on her. Leaning her back against the door, her face lifted towards the ceiling, her watering eyes closed, trying in vain to stop the emotions she felt choking her. Her hands shook, so she laid them flat against the door, and focused on centering herself. The last thing they needed right now was a unwelcome earth quake.

She focused on her wife behind the door with her sister sleeping peacefully. Grateful of the calm she felt surrounding herself, she finally noticed the still breaths surrounding her. Taking a cautious sniff, she smelled her family's fragrant scents, surrounding her in silent support. Calmly wiping the tears that had reached the corner of her eyes, Camila pushed herself off the door, and opened her eyes, giving her family a small smile of gratitude, thanking them for their silent support and letting her collect herself before announcing their presence.

Camila saw her family surrounding both walls, all wearing expressions of worry and fear. Many focused on getting their loved one back, their, leader, their savior, but many were unsure if Lauren would ever be what she once was. From their small interactions with her, they were worried, and unsure on how to proceed from here. Their world was in disarray, they were betrayed by many, and the task of weeding out the many that had a hand in this plot could take months if not years. Not to mention, they were still unsure if Maya had more surprises for her. Camila had spent the majority of her day with Lauren, and she herself questioned how Laurens recovery would proceed.

One thing she was sure of. Her wife needed to heal, and she needed time to do that, time Camila was going to give her. The world needed a leader, one worthy of Lauren herself, and she knew just how to give them that.

Turning to Demi, Camila said, "I want everyone in the mess hall, thatshould give us enough room for everyone, and I want everyone, except Athena whowill keep an eye on Maya."

Demi took a step towards Camila, silently asking what her intentions were, but the look Camila shot her stopped her mid step, and Demi was faced with fierce determined eyes, that roared leadership. It took Demi back for a moment, then she felt herself nodding and smiling. This was the Camila that she had missed. The one that did what she had to.The Leader that took charge when they needed it most. Now that Lauren was safe, Camila was able to breathe and look at the world with clear eyes. 'Thank God' Demi thought.

She took out her communicator and sent a page for a mandatory meeting, excluding Athena who was guarding the prisoner. Demi watched with a smirk as she watched Camila make her way through the hospital hallway, a confident and purposeful walk in her step. This woman meant business. The anger that radiated off her was palpable, and made her shiver in anticipation at the power this woman was going to unleash on those who opposed her. '

A wake up call she knew had been coming for a while.

"Make sure Marissa has a camera for the people around the world Demi. There are a few that are going to really need to see this if they want to live. And tell Athena to prepare to bring in Maya Mitchell, when I give the signal. We have a lot to prove today, and we will start with that bitch." Camila ordered entering the elevator with her silver sisters.

And the message you want to send?" asked Demi curiously with a smirk.

Camila pressed the floor she needed and said, "To surrender now to any and all that had a part to play with Maya, or we will rein hell on them without remorse. I can be a vengeful bitch, and they're about to see that. The time for playing nice is over and were about to show them exactly what happens to those who screw with us. I'm about to show them why their biggest mistake was starting this war. There's a cleansing about to happen, and if they want survive the purge, surrendering now is requirement."

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