Look me in the eye

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Camila zipped through the air, flying towards New age as though she was afraid it would disappear. Her daughter and family close behind her. Once the opening to the facility opened for their entrance, Camila flew down the dark tunnel, growing more anxious to see her wife.

Once she hit the landing, she ran through the halls, ignoring the sympathetic glances of the other elementals, their pity didn't register, nothing would until she saw her wife and had her in her arms. All Camila could focus on was the condition her wife had been in when they found her, and it was enough to send every cell in Camila's body on fire with rage and worry.

When Camila finally got into the medical wing, she didn't notice Sofie and Marissa, but she did notice Raquel sitting by her wife, holding her hand and whispering soothing words to calm the fidgeting Lauren.

Once she entered the room, Raquel and Lauren's gaze snapped to her's, and it froze Camila in her place. The mixture of emotions on her wifes face, burned Camila's rage away. Love, longing, shame and guilt all swam in Lauren's eyes as she lowered her eyes from Camila's, feeling extremely unworthy of holding her wifes beautiful gaze.

Raquel whispered soft words, giving Lauren's hand a slight squeeze in reassurance, before getting up and excusing herself. When she passed Camila, brown eyes met gold, and all Camila could read was a plead for gentleness, and a slight steely look of warning. 'Hurt my friend and I hurt you', was what Camila took from that look, and her heart swelled, slightly impressed but also relieved. Someone strong had been looking over Lauren when she couldn't.

Nodding lightly, Raquel left Lauren, satisfied she was in the best possible hands. Once Raquel had left, the room was silent as Camila made her way to the chair next to Lauren's bed.

Camila didn't speak right away. Her eyes were busy taking in every inch of her wife that was visable. Her arms still heavily bruised, but the bruises were growing lighter. The cuts on Lauren's face were closing, but the swelling was still very much there, but what bothered Camila most, was the huge difference in Lauren's weight.

She looked severly malnourished, and it grated on Camila. Everything inside of her weeped for her wife, and soon the tears that had been building since the start of all this started to flow, and she found that she couldn't make herself say a single word over the large lump in her throat.

Since they had met, there was always a threat looming over their heads, it felt never ending. But that mentality to hide away and want normalcy was quickly being burned from Camila's mind. Lauren had tried to give her that, only putting a foot down when it came to training the kids, but Lauren had tried. For Camila. Because it made her happy. She sacrificed her better judgment, to bring Camila happiness, and look where that got them, Camila thought bitterly.

Lauren, who was always so selfless, and fierce, willingly threw herself at the enemy to give their kind a chance at survival, had more than paid for the sin of ignorance that had corrupted her through domesticality. Camila's penance was the knowledge that everything her wife had endured, and would always be affected by, the choices she had guilted her with.

She had guilted Lauren into passing off patrols, so she would be home for dinner every night, forced her to ignore threats and allow others to take the helm so she could cuddle and watch a movie with her. She had constantly belittled the need the world had for Lauren, and this was the result of every choice she had made. Lauren of course had some blame, but no where near the amount that rested on Camila's shoulders. But of course, Lauren would never admit that. The saint she is would go to her grave, shouting her wifes perfections.

Camila didn't deserve her.

She realized this as she sobbed, feeling skinny shaky hands envelope her, and wondered what kind of internl demons her wife was fighting to give her this small comfort.

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